Wednesday 10 July 2024

Lesbian Girlfriend Buys Her Girlfriend a Blender to Make Smooth Tomato Sauce Instead of The Necklace She Wanted for Their Anniversary – “I’m a very practical gift giver”

Wanting to make their anniversary special, one lesbian girlfriend took the initiative to ask her partner what she truly wanted. However, despite receiving a clear answer, she disregarded her partner's wishes and opted for a different, more "practical" gift, convinced that she knew better.

Gifting Goes Wrong

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Gifting is a wonderful way to communicate feelings, but it can turn sour when the recipient receives something they don’t want, leaving them with the task of pretending to be happy and grateful. 

This uncomfortable turn of events can be attributed to the well-intentioned yet misguided gift selection of a lesbian girlfriend, ultimately turning a special moment into a rather awkward experience.

Practical Anniversary Gift

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A lesbian girlfriend shares on Reddit that she opted for an unconventional, not-so-romantic anniversary gift choice - a blender instead of the coveted necklace her partner had been longing for. 

Even though a month had already passed, both her best friend and her partner's best friend are still giving the OP a hard time about it.

Romantic And Simple 

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On their one-year anniversary, the girlfriend asked her partner what she wanted as a gift, to which she responded with a simple request for something romantic, like “a little necklace or something cute.”

Skipping the Necklace

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Looking for a cute gift for her girlfriend on Amazon, she stumbled upon an emulsion blender, and a lightbulb went off in her head. 

She recalled how her partner has a passion for cooking and often talks about the various kitchen gadgets she wants to own. 

Silky-Smooth Tomato Sauce

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She also remembered that time when her partner was struggling to make silky-smooth homemade tomato sauce. While she was cooking, she mentioned how difficult it was to achieve a smooth consistency without using an emulsion blender. 

Practical Gift Giver

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As the girlfriend reflected on her partner's passion for cooking and the challenges she faced without an emulsion blender, she knew that this anniversary called for something more than just cuteness.

“I’m a very practical gift giver,” she states in her post. “I like to give things people will use so I bought it and was super excited to give it to her.”

Exchanging Gifts

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On the anticipated day of their anniversary, the girlfriend surprised the OP with a fancy bottle of whiskey that she herself had longed for but had never been able to justify splurging on. 

Overflowing with excitement, she eagerly asked her girlfriend to unwrap her own gift, secretly hoping that the emulsion blender would bring just as much happiness to her. 

“An Emulsion Blender?”

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As her girlfriend unwrapped the gift, her face lost its sparkle, asking, "Oh... an emulsion blender...?"

At that moment, she reminded her girlfriend of their conversations about the kitchen gadgets she was excited to add to her collection.

A Big Disappointment 

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While the girlfriend “kept her cool” and expressed her appreciation for the thought behind the gift, she told her that she was “a little upset that it wasn’t jewelry.”

Nothing Fancy


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The upset girlfriend explained to her partner that anniversaries should be more about romantic and sentimental gifts instead of practical ones.

While she genuinely expressed her appreciation for the blender, she couldn't lie to her partner and admitted that she wished it had been the necklace she had previously pointed out online—a simple $30 mushroom necklace.

Get Back To the Kitchen 

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After pouring out her "woes" to her friend, he found it "hilarious" that she was so inept when it comes to romantic relationships. Furthermore, the girlfriend's best friend caught wind of the situation and has been teasing her with jokes about getting back to the kitchen. 

Buying the Gift Herself 

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“My gf and I are fine but I know she was disappointed,” she shares, adding, “She ended up buying the necklace herself a week after I gave her the blender.”

The Gift vs Desire Debate

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Confused by her girlfriend's reaction, the blender-purchasing partner turned to the Reddit community in search of answers to her question: “AITA for giving my gf a practical gift versus the necklace she wanted?” 

Online Community Doesn’t Hold Back In Criticism 

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The girlfriend's perceived lack of romantic skills clearly did not sit well with the Reddit community, as the majority of Redditors labeled her as "YTA" for not gifting her girlfriend a cuter, more romantic gift. 

One commenter sarcastically wrote, “So I get you're a lesbian but wow, this is like TV sitcom man action. You might as well have bought her a bowling ball with your name on it.”


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In an attempt to explain the situation, one Redditor chimed in, “She basically mansplained to her GF why her GF’s gift preference wasn’t good enough.”

They argued, “This is why stupid, s.xist books like ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus’ exist, because of perceived communication issues based on gender. But it isn’t - apparently - gender. Just a stubbornness and a failure to accept the truth in what one’s partner has said.”

Disregarded Desires

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Another person found it unacceptable that the girlfriend had asked what her partner wanted but then completely ignored her answer and purchased something different, earning her another “YTA.”  

“I hate when people do that,” a different user chimed in, “Don’t waste my time asking what I want if you’re just going to get what you think I want. Tells me you don’t really care about my wants or what I have to say.”

The True Purpose of Gift-Giving

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In response to the OP’s remark that she’s a practical gift giver, a “YTA” voter bluntly asked, “Who cares what you like?”

“The gift isn't for you. It's for the recipient. The person receiving the gift wants something they want, not something they need. Stop making yourself the main character of the story.”

Double Standards

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“YTA,” agreed another user. “Everyone is going WAYYYY easy on you. I don’t see why a lesbian doing this to her wife is a lot better than men doing this to his wife.”

“She told you what she wanted. It was nothing extravagant. You got her something else, something that, coincidentally, benefits you.”


“Worst parent ever”: Mom Refuses To Let Her 25-Year-Old Daughter Move Back Home Despite An Apartment Home With Six “Sketchy” People

While parents can reasonably expect their adult children to take on the responsibility for their actions and navigate life's challenges. However, what happens when the child seems to have exhausted all possible options and finds themselves in need of their parents' assistance? This was the heart of the debate in a recent Reddit post, focusing on a mother who adamantly refused to allow her daughter to move back home.

Eldest Daughter's New Chapter

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The mother reveals in her post that she and her husband are parents to three children: a 25-year-old daughter, a 16-year-old son, and a 13-year-old youngest daughter.

Three years ago, the oldest child moved out and got her own apartment with her boyfriend after being together for four years. 

Supportive Parents 

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The parents fully supported her decision since she was mature enough and working full time. “So it wasn't like she ran off with some guy she just met,” the mother notes. 

Rising Rent


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The challenge arose when they realized that the average rent in their area had more than doubled. Their landlord hiked the rent by 40% within a span of three months, making it unaffordable for them to continue staying there.

Limited Options

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Even before this, the couple wasn't exactly “swimming in cash.” They simply don't have enough saved up for the first, last, and security deposit, considering the current state of the market. Moreover, there aren't many options available within their price range.

Denied Support

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Despite their initial plan to stay with her boyfriend's parents for a short period while they sorted out their situation and saved money, they were met with disappointment as they weren’t allowed to join them.

Plan B

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After being denied permission to move in with her boyfriend's parents, the couple came up with an alternative plan: They decided that she would move back in with her parents, while he would move in with his own parents. 

Their goal was to save up money during this arrangement and be able to move out within a maximum of six months.

“She's An Adult Now”

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Adding to the complications, the couple faced resistance from both her father and mother, who believed that the proposed living arrangement was not “appropriate.”

“She's an adult now, and she needs to learn to take care of herself, not relying on handouts from her parents,” shares the mom. 

Rent vs Savings

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Even though the oldest daughter made a genuine offer to pay rent, her parents still insisted on a condition that she would only be allowed to pay rent if she agreed to pay the market average, along with her share of utilities. 

Unfortunately for the couple, this condition would result in her being unable to save up as much as they had hoped.

Sharing Home with Six “Sketchy” People

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With her parents unwilling to accommodate their daughter, she has been left with no choice but to share a two-bedroom apartment with six other individuals, some of whom she finds "sketchy."

“It's Her Responsibility”


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While the mother empathizes with her daughter's situation, she still holds the belief that it’s her responsibility to take care of herself, no matter how hard her situation was. “I feel for her,” she claims, “but I still think it's her responsibility.”

She continues, “At this point, she doesn't call much anymore and I'm worried this may have impacted our relationship.”

To Allow or Not To Allow? 

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Unsure whether she was unreasonable for not allowing her daughter to move back home just because she’s a 25-year-old adult, the mom turns to the Reddit community with the question: 

“AITA for not letting our daughter move back home?”

“You're Being Unreasonable”

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“Seriously?” commented a “YTA” voter. “Your daughter is an adult, but she's still your daughter? She's not relying on handouts. She's offered to pay rent. You're really gonna charge her the market average to live at home? She even gave you a timeline.

“I think you're being unreasonable. You completely acknowledge that she was screwed over, but yet you're willing to let her struggle when you presumably have the space? There's wanting for her to learn to be an adult, and there's being unreasonable jerks.”

A Part Of Learning To Be An Adult?

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Another user speculated about the intention of the mother when she refused to let her daughter move back home, writing: 

"I just think she needs to suffer in ways I never would have had to because when I was her age the world was a very different place. Also, she's living with six people, with two beds, and some of them seem dangerous but if she gets assaulted or r.ped, oh well! That's just part of learning to be an adult after all!”

“Worst Parent Ever”

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“YTA,” voted another Redditor. “She's sharing a 2 bed apartment with 6 strangers? How the hell does that work?”

“You think you're teaching her a life lesson. What you're actually doing is abandoning your child and exposing her to harm. Worst parent ever.”

“Good Luck On Damage Control”

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“You acknowledge that your daughter's landlord screwed her...then paint the blame on her for not being responsible enough...then ask if that makes you the a..hole,” wrote another individual. 

“Market inflation is pushing us rapidly towards a recession. The landlord wanted more money to combat that. That screwed over your daughter...and she and her boyfriend found two doors waiting for them back home. Good luck on damage control. If she brings you any grandkids, you'll need it.”

“I Wouldn't Talk To You Anymore”

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“Your daughter seems to be a very responsible woman,” one user expressed. “Now she is desperate and trying very hard to find a solution to her problem. And until she can be on her own feet again she is asking you for help. 

“You are a massive A. You are only asking if you are the A because you already think you are and you are searching for someone to back you up on your decision. If I were your daughter I probably wouldn't talk to you at all anymore.”

Lonely Road Ahead

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“If there is ever a day when my son can't come to me for some help, or I can't go to my parents for help... We aren't family anymore,” one person stated. 

“It's really sounding like you are doing everything you can so that your own child doesn't succeed. It sounds like you need to sit down and take a long hard think on what you want out of life. The road you are treading is a lonely one.”


"Rich Guys Like Me": Woman Goes Viral with Her Secret Rule for Attracting Wealthy Men Even at Target

Practically every woman would agree that a man who has more wealth holds an advantage over a man with less when it comes to dating. With more money, he can pamper her more, shower her with extravagant gifts, take her on luxurious trips, and ensure that anything purchasable is delivered to her.

The problem, however, lies in the difficulty women face in finding such a wealthy man. But imagine that you don't even need to search for him; By simply following the viral rule of 2/3, he will come to you, as if by magic!

Time to Break Free from Revealing Tops & Tight Leggings

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In a viral TikTok video shared by @feminineclips, she delivers a powerful message to all women: “Stop dressing like broke man bait.” 

The clothing commonly seen in clubs or on Instagram, like worn-out outfits, leggings, overly tight jeans, or revealing tops, falls into the category of attire that only attracts men with less money – basically the stereotypical Instagram aesthetic.

Instagram-Inspired Looks Are Not Ugly, But

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The woman acknowledges that this aesthetic is not necessarily unattractive; in fact, it can be visually appealing. But it still fails to attract rich men who are seeking long-term relationships with women.

Secrets to Attracting Wealthy and Serious Men

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So, if you seriously want to attract a wealthy and serious man, she advises doing the complete opposite of "broke man bait." Instead, she suggests presenting yourself as well put together, opting for more tailored and sophisticated outfits that exude classiness.

Nail Care for the Right First Impression

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In addition to dressing in a more refined manner, women can take other measures to avoid the appearance of "broke man bait." One aspect she addresses is nail care. She argues that “complicated nails” tend to attract men with less money. 

Instead, she recommends simpler nail styles and sticking to classic colors like red, pink, peach, or other neutral tones. By doing so, women can present themselves in a way that is more appealing to serious and financially secure men.

Becoming a Rich Man's Ideal Partner 

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Her conclusion is straightforward: “If you’re gonna attract men with money, you need to look like a man with money’s girlfriend or wife.” 

The 'Law of 2/3': A Secret Technique to Attract Wealthy Men

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In response to this advice, a TikTok user named @chanzandchill created a stitched video where she introduces what she refers to as the "law of 2/3." According to her, this secret technique can attract wealthy men while pushing away men with less money at the same time. 

“My friends say I only like rich guys. No, it's not that. Rich guys like me,” she states. 

Never Leave the House Unless

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Her secret for attracting wealthy men like a magnet revolves around following what she calls the "law of 2/3." Essentially, this law dictates that whenever she leaves the house, she ensures that two out of three aspects are “on point”: her hair, her makeup, and her outfit. 

By focusing on maintaining high standards in at least two of these areas, she believes she can enhance her attractiveness to affluent men. 

Aim High at Target

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Continuing her explanation, she emphasizes the importance of how a woman presents herself in public settings: “Say you're going to Target. Remember, rich men shop at Target. It's not just anyone at Target. Everyone goes to Target. How you look and how you are carrying yourself out in public is going to attract the type of men that you wanna attract.” 

She adds, “If you are in Target in baggy sweatpants, yes, you're gonna get the. ‘Hey, can I holler at you a minute?’ I can't even say it because those men don't have the audacity to speak to me.” 

Radiate Confidence, Attract Riches

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According to her, how a woman carries herself and presents herself in public will precisely attract what she desires, and nothing more or less. She confidently states, “So if you're out there looking like a rich bitch, you're gonna get a rich man. It's easy as that.”

Online Support for the Rule of 2/3's 'Put Together' Approach

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The rule of 2/3 has generated significant buzz online, with many women voicing their support for the OP's perspective. And don’t worry — looking like a million bucks while shopping at Target is not a prerequisite for attracting affluent men.

In agreement with a commenter who mentioned, "Just be put together. Nothing has to be dressed up for a fancy," the OP concurred, stating, “Exactly. Being put together doesn’t mean we have to be uncomfortable or dressed all the way up!”

Comfortable Sophistication for Attracting Affluent Men

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Another person supported the notion that the rule of 2/3 is mainly about appearing well-put-together rather than resembling a runway model. They expressed this by stating, “Sweatpants can be very luxurious looking if you do it, right! I attract rich men, especially in casual cute outfits”

The OP, who revealed that the outfit she was wearing in the video is a matching set of leggings paired with coordinated sneakers and earrings, agreed with the commenter's perspective: “Yea I normally try to clarify that a good outfit doesn’t necessarily mean dressing up but moreso put together! Same page.” 

Getting Things or Finding Love?

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Others held a different perspective on the matter, asserting that one should not put too much effort into their looks when going to casual places. They wrote, “Girl I don’t gaf who sees me at Target I’m trying to get my things not a date”

A wise commenter provided a different perspective by reminding others that “You never know when you’re gonna meet your future husband.”

Criticism Over the Demanding Nature of the 2/3 Approach

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There were those in the comment section who opposed the rule of 2/3, finding it too demanding to incorporate into their everyday routines. One person remarked, “ATP, there are too many rules to date so I think I’m good. These men aren’t worth impressing anyway lol.” 

In response, the creator mentioned that a significant aspect of the rule of 2/3 is the confidence one gain from feeling their best. At the same time, she agreed with the sentiment that some men may not be worth the effort, expressing a hint of exasperation by saying, "These men... oooof!!!"

Potential Downsides of Dating a Rich Man 

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Despite the allure of being with a rich partner, it's necessary to consider the disadvantages that can come with it.  One commenter shared their personal experience of being in an “abusive” relationship with a wealthy man. 

Consequently, they confidently concluded, “I’ll take my blue collar bf now anytime”


Man Secretly Emails His Fiancée's Father About Her DNA Results As Her Reasons For Not Wanting To Share The Information “Didn't Sit Well” With Him

One fiancé faced intense online backlash when he took it upon himself to secretly email his fiancée's biological father, who had no previous knowledge of his own family's roots. Although she explained why she doesn’t want to share this information with her father, her reasons “didn’t sit well” with her fiancé.

Behind Her Back

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A 35-year-old man recently took to Reddit to share a secret: he sent an email to his 31-year-old fiancée's biological father, who was adopted and had no connections to his birth family, informing him that his family had been discovered through her 23andMe test results.

A Meaningful Gift 

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His fiancée purchased 23andMe tests for her parents three years ago, as well as her fiancé’s parents. 

This gesture held great meaning because, throughout her fiancé’s life, his five older brothers had incessantly tormented him by saying that they were adopted or that their biological father was not the same as the rest of the family.

Solid Proof Amid Sibling Doubts

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The brothers made those claims due to the OP's distinct appearance, as they remarked on their tall stature and red hair. Therefore, receiving solid proof that his parents were indeed their biological parents through the 23andMe tests, for him, was like healing an old emotional wound.

Surprising Links 


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What took everyone by surprise was the discovery of results linking her biological father's family. Given that she is a first-generation American, she hadn’t expected to find many familial connections through the 23andMe test.

At first, there was a third-cousin connection on her paternal side, but over the past couple of years, it has evolved into a comprehensive and practical family tree.

Distant Relationship

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More than a decade ago, the daughter ceased communication with her father due to his sporadic efforts in maintaining their relationship, limited to remembering her birthday on occasion. 

Desire to Conceal Information

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She also clearly expressed her desire to keep this information secret from her father and provided her reasons for withholding it. However, her explanation did not seem to resonate well with her fiancé.

Sharing DNA Test Results 

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Her fiancé took it upon himself to track down her dad's email address from her contacts list and sent him the list of his known relatives and then forgot about the email.

In an unexpected turn of events, her mother accidentally stumbled upon a social media post about her dad reestablishing connections with his newly discovered relatives and told her about what she found. 

Fiancé's Confession

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“She was very emotional as she told me about the phone call with her mom but said she was happy for him,” his fiancé recounts. “She made a comment about how ‘we didn't have anything to do with it,’ so I confessed to what I had done.”

Furious Fiancée


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Unsurprisingly, his fiancé who wanted everything to remain secret from her father was “furious” following this confession, leading to a major conflict with her fiancé. 

Seeking outside opinions, he turned to the Reddit community with the question, "AITA for sending her dad, who is adopted, her test results that identified his biological family?”

Backlash Unleashed

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The OP faced significant backlash from the online community for his decision to email his fiancée's father about her DNA results without her consent. It was widely agreed upon that he had “a serious issue with boundaries,” earning him a solid "YTA" judgment from Redditors.

“You Really Overstepped”

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“Yes, spouses who contact in-laws behind their spouse's back are nearly always the AH,” one commenter asserted. “And in this case in particular. She cut him out of her life.” 

“This wasn't unique information you had that he couldn't easily get himself. You really overstepped.”

“You Have No Respect For Her”

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“YTA- her reasons do not need to sit well with you,” stated one commenter. “They are her reasons, and I hope this causes so much trouble in your relationship. Because you have no respect for her”

Why Didn’t He Got His Own DNA Kit?

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Others pointed out in the comment section that the dad could have easily obtained his own DNA kit if he was genuinely eager to find family connections. They voted, “YTA, there's no way you're not.”

“He didn't deserve sh.t, if he cared so much, he could have purchased one himself.”

Lost Trust

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Some Redditors raised an additional point, arguing that the OP had broken the trust of his fiancée by "tracking down" the father's email information, which was probably done by digging through either an electronic device or an address book of hers. 

“Lost trust from snooping through her things and contacting someone who neglected her,” they wrote. 

“Beg For Forgiveness”

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“YTA for ignoring her wishes; going behind her back; and causing a lack of trust in your relationship,” commented one user. “You did everything wrong here.” 

“You don't know her history with him - only what she chooses to share. It might have been a horrible childhood, and you brought it all back by contacting him without telling her. That is one of the biggest trust violations there is. You need to beg for forgiveness, but I'm doubting you'll get it.”

Inappropriate Announcements

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“YTA,” agreed another voter, sharing, “I'm Nigerian and when my dad died who was also a chief, my young in-law from my dad's wife announced it on Facebook. We were furious. It wasn't his call.”

“It's our choice to make the pronouncement. Your present action reminds me of my in-law. You should have sent her her dad's email address. That would have been the greatest gift you could have given her!”

What’s Next?

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“First it’s this, what’s next?” one user questioned. “He obviously doesn’t respect her feelings or opinions at all and can so easily be secretive and go behind this poor woman’s back.”

“I wonder how chaotic the wedding planning would be. If they were to have children or something how would that go? Would he just pass on her concerns and ideas and just go about doing everything on his own? He deserves to be on his own. OP, I hope your fiancé leaves your inconsiderate a.s.”
