Friday, 21 April 2023

Drop Everything And Run: 10 Types of Men to Avoid at All Costs

Have you ever wondered what it is about you that attracts such weirdos after going on a series of bad dates? At first glance, they all look good and sound even better on paper. After a while, the night that you're supposed to meet "the one" turns into a date from hell. It never fails, like clockwork.

It makes you think that all the good men are taken or are fabrications of the imagination. After what you've been through, you deserve a break, but to no avail, they keep showing up at your doorstep.

Do you give up? Of course not. Instead, you make adjustments. With a little tweaking of your standards and what to watch out for, you can learn to weed out the losers from the worthy men.

Here are top 10 list of guys to watch out for and how to tell if they meet your criteria in love.

The Fitness Junkie

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

You see these guys from time to time. They are usually quite alluring with their chiseled abs and cut arms that could break through a brick wall. Upon meeting this one, he is quite down to earth, into the environment, loves traveling, and even runs in marathons.

It's all great until your night outs turn into repetitive trips to the gym. He even went out of his way to book a trip to Miami, but instead of getting your tan on at the beach, you're stuck cheering him on as he finishes his 10th marathon this year.

Relationships with this guy is one big race, literally. There is never a time when he just likes to relax. He expects you to constantly be on the move with him too, so unless you're an Olympic sprinter, chances are you won't be able to catch up with this guy, physically or emotionally.

Also read: 25 Popular Things Women Wear That Men Secretly Hate

The Know-It-All

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Illustration. Image credit: Depositphotos

This guy seems great, he's smart, good looking, likes to read Proust. A total nerd, but you find that sexy. In fact, you wonder if you are able to keep up with his intellectual conversations.

The problem with this guy is that he usually likes women that are very smart, which is great. However, because his intelligence factor is on another level, any chance you get at showing off he is able to successfully one-up you, rudely correcting you on dinner dates with others. If you are not up to par, he is often condescending, purposefully nor not.

You shouldn't feel like you need a degree to understand half of what he talks about anyways.

Also read: 30 Things Men Should Wear to Drive Women WILD - (According to Women)

The Man-Child

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

This one is hard to pinpoint at a glace because there are various forms of the man-child. This type of man works, he has his own apartment, he even has a savings account, which is like an adult thing, I guess.

When you finally do get to see his place, it's covered in action figures and video games. His mom comes to clean up his place so you should not worry about ever getting in the way of that. Good luck!

Related: 15 Bad Habits That Destroy Your Metabolism

The Mama's Boy

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Illustration. Image credit: Depositphotos

Synonymous with the man-child, the mama's boy is like the antithesis of what most women want in a man. Don't get this confused with them loving their mom...from a distance. The mama's boy will literally run to his mother for...every....little...thing. Never mind the role that you could play in his life. His mom has that covered.

A lifetime with this type of guy means a life of competition. Not worth it.

The Workaholic

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

This guy works hard for his money. You can cash in on that too, but with a price. Often dressed to kill because he can afford it, he is often spotted with a lose collar at bars during the wee hours of the morning, to let off some steam. The problem is, he has to be at work in a couple of hours, so where does that leave you?

Be prepared to make dates with his smartphone because between work and play, this fella will be missing in action.

The Start-Up No Show

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

How sweet, he is working hard with his new start-up business. It's cool that your man has such drive and ambition. All that hard work will pay off one day. Until then, he might have maybe 30 minutes in a day for you, leaving the other 23.5 hours glued to the computer.

If you are willing to hang in there, hats off to you. In the meantime, let him know that other things are important too, like you.

The Aggressor

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Illustration. Image credit: Depositphotos

Everything sets this guy off. He's like a ticking time bomb. His ice water is too cold, the sky is too blue. Every and anything will get him seeing red within a matter of seconds.

Could it be unresolved anger issues? Who knows, but run fast before you're the victim of a domestic dispute.

The Slacker

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Illustration. Image credit: Depositphotos

When you first met him you thought that his nonchalant approach to life was so refreshing in a world full of hustle and bustle. Soon you started to realize that his slacked way of living is just laziness.

Not only is he lazy, he lack drive, blaming his lameness on society's uptight expectations.

The Commitment-Phobe

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

A "waste of time" is another good way to describe this guy. The two of you do everything one would think would qualify you as being in a relationship, but something's not quite right.

He questions meeting your parents, he hesitates to talk about the future, he even blames your broaching the topic of moving in together after being in a relationship for 2 years, as you being pushy.

You don't need him. He has no time and space in your life.

The Negative Nick

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The Negative Nick is my male version of the Negative Nancy. He blames all his downfalls on other people. He never fully takes responsibility for his own actions which is why he doesn't get along well with people to begin with.

He is an undercover nitwit because he seems like a nice guy but is always complaining about something. He complains that the girl talking to that guy over there could do a lot better, not realizing that you are giving him all the attention he wants.

Keep far and away from these guys and remember the subtle hints that they are potential no's that should be avoided at all costs. Make room for guys of quality and who are worth your time.

Tell us what you think! Did these tips help you in weeding out the losers from the winners? What steps have you taken to ensure you don't run into the wrong type of guy again? Comment below.

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