Valuable life lessons are often learned as we go through the ups and downs of life, but unfortunately, some people only grasp their importance later on, when it's too late to make a difference.
Thankfully, Anna Akana (@annaakana) has taken the initiative to share with others the 8 crucial life lessons that people often learn too late. Let’s take a look at them below.
Important people come and go, and that’s okay
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It's unfortunate that the most important people in our lives can become strangers in the blink of an eye.
But on the flip side, total strangers can quickly become the most significant people in our lives, even though the process may be painful.
In the end, accepting this reality can help improve the quality and suitability of the people in our inner circle.
Your diet isn’t just what you eat
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Besides what you eat, your diet also includes what you watch, read, and who you follow and spend time with.
If your aim is to cultivate a healthier mind, it's essential to eliminate all the junk from your diet starting with these factors.
You have to let people down to be happy
Illustration. Image credit: Depositphotos.
Your mental health should be your top priority, more important than your career, financial status, others' opinions, commitments, your partner's emotions, and your family's expectations.
If taking care of yourself means letting someone down, then let someone down. Your love for yourself should be more powerful than your longing to be loved by others.
Never let rejection lead to self-rejection

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Those who have experienced rejection are often afraid of it, and those who fear rejection tend to withdraw or run away before facing the possibility of being rejected.
In their subconscious minds, they may believe they have avoided rejection, but in reality, they have rejected themselves once again.
Own your responsibilities, own your future

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While you may not be responsible for the trauma you experienced, you are responsible for breaking the cycle and not inflicting harm on others because of what happened to you.
If you allow your past to control your present, you will never be able to control your future.
Quality over quantity

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Quality is what matters in life. When we focus on quality, we prioritize what truly matters to us and what brings us fulfillment and happiness.
One loyal friend is worth more than a hundred casual acquaintances. A deep and meaningful relationship is more valuable than a hundred brief flings. And one enriching experience outweighs a hundred drunken nights.
Fairy tales will make you unhappy

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If you're consumed by the pressure of meeting societal standards, it can prevent you from experiencing true happiness.
Don't buy into the false narrative of what your life "should" look like. You don't have to follow the conventional path of going to college at 18, finding a job by 21, buying a house by 25, getting married at 30, or having children by 35.
Everyone's journey is unique, and finding your own path is key to true happiness.
Your Life Your Fun

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Enjoying life doesn't mean subscribing to other people's idea of fun.
Your definition of fun doesn't have to involve drinking, partying, or socializing. It could be something as simple as reading a book, having a meaningful conversation, taking a walk, creating art, playing music, or doing what you love.
Remember, your fun belongs to you, so define it for yourself.
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