One father took the concept of "business is business" to a whole new level when he requested that his own son and fiancée pay to spend their honeymoon in the winter cabin he owned, despite knowing that they were “barely” able to afford planning the wedding.
Business Is Business?

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It's not uncommon for parents to help their children in some way or another with their wedding planning if they’re unable to cover the entire cost. After all, they simply want to witness their children's happiness as they join their beloved partners.
However, what if a father doesn't contribute a single penny towards their own young son's wedding preparations and, on top of that, asks him to pay for the privilege of spending his honeymoon in his winter cabin, while claiming that it's "nothing personal"?
Officially the Owner

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One father recently turned to Reddit to share a story of how he and his late wife had invested in a small winter cabin several years ago, and now, in the wake of her passing, he finds himself the sole owner of the cabin they once owned together.
Barely Planning the Wedding

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With his 22-year-old son's wedding to his soon-to-be wife just a month away, the soon-to-be groom finds himself grappling with the reality that they have no money left for a destination honeymoon, having “barely” able to plan their wedding.
Winter Cabin Romance, But at a Cost

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Given these financial struggles, the son approached his father with a request to spend their honeymoon in his winter cabin, and he agreed, but not without the simple condition that they pay him for the opportunity.
“He Acted All Shocked”

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The son reacted with shock and pointed out that the cabin belonged to both his parents, but his father quickly reminded him that he’s the sole owner now, stressing that he’s been responsible for the cabin's maintenance costs since his wife’s passing.
“Materialistic” & “Selfish”

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Faced with his son's upset and accusations of being “materialistic” and “selfish,” he reminded him of a similar situation involving his aunt, assuring him that his actions shouldn’t be taken personally.
Shaming the Father

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As the son and his fiancée left and shared the news with the family, his father faced criticism from various family members, who berated him and insisted that he should allow his son to use the cabin without asking for money in return.
Disapproval of a Young Marriage

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Apparently, the father had a strong dislike for the idea of his son getting married at the age of 22. Despite being told a "million times" that it wasn't a good idea, the son stubbornly disregarded his father's opinion and proceeded with wedding planning alongside his fiancee.
Is It Wrong To Think Business?

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Faced with shaming from family members for asking his son for money, as well as his own opposition to his early marriage, the father turns to the Reddit community for advice.
He poses the question, “AITA for asking my son and his STBW to pay to spend their honeymoon in my winter cabin?”
“Say Goodbye To Him”

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In response to the father's explanation that he had done the same thing with his aunt and therefore his son shouldn't take it personally, one "YTA" voter commented, “And that's why - your son's wedding should be personal to you.
They added, “YTA for not supporting your son's wedding also. Just say goodbye to him, he's going to quit talking to you very soon.”
“Good Luck When You Are Older”

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Another Redditor expressed disbelief, stating, “It's your son! For his honeymoon! You're going to CHARGE YOUR SON?”
They continued, “When you never hear from him, rarely see him, and have no relationship with any future potential grandchildren, I want you to remember this moment - the moment when you typed all that out, and found nothing wrong with charging your son to use your family cabin. Life is long, and the arc of the moral universe - as they say - bends toward justice.”
“Do You Not Like Him?”

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Someone else who labeled the father as “YTA” tried to understand the father's reasoning behind his actions.
”I'd love to know why won't you gift a stay at the cabin for your son who just got married,” they wrote. “Do you not like him? Your greed is more important than your child? Did he poop in your cornflakes?”
“Just Wanna Keep Everything All Business”

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“YTA. When you get old and need help to get around don't be surprised if your son charges you for every single thing then says it's not personal,” one user commented.
Another Reddit commenter added a sarcastic and imaginative scenario, writing “Oooh dad, I'd love to take you to the hospital, but an ambulance ride is like $5000. Can you write me a check before we go? Nothing personal, just wanna keep everything all business!”
“I Would Drag Him Down To Hell”

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“If I was your late Wife, seeing you treat our baby that way, I'd be rolling over in my grave and spend every minute haunting your a.s. YTA,” one Redditor commented, while another wrote in response, “I would 100% find a way to rise from the grave and drag him down to hell with me.”
Tough Love?

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Ultimately, whether you side with the father's belief that asking his son for money is not a personal matter or perceive it as selfishness, it's not difficult to imagine that the father's actions are a reflection of his disapproval of his son's early marriage.
Perhaps the father's intention is for his son to end up divorced, but considering the son's determination to marry despite countless warnings from his father, the likelihood of that scenario seems quite slim.
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Source: Reddit
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