One woman has decided to ask the internet whether she was in the wrong for telling her multilingual co-worker that forgetting words in English is disrespectful.
On the AITA (Am I The A...hole) subreddit, the story starts off with the woman explaining that she has a co-worker, by the name of Sienna, who is currently getting her Master's in Translation and Interpretation.

She adds that she is a part-time employee, and explains that she is “annoying”. According to OP, Sienna never stays late, never comes in early, and can never cover shifts because she’s currently in school and is swamped with assignments and lectures.
‘Basically, everything is more important than her job,” The OP writes, “I would fire her if I could (I am assistant manager) but my manager likes her.”
The story continues that whenever they get tourist customers, Sienna switches to their language if she knows it. The OP doesn’t express an issue with this, but she does have a problem with Sienna “forgetting herself” and using foreign words or phrases in a conversation with the OP.
“Apparently, she forgets words,” the OP said.
The OP explains that they recently had a “bunch of international students” come in and that Sienna kept switching back and forth between languages.
The problem the OP has is when Sienna started suddenly speaking to her in another language.
The woman describes it as “really rude”.
She explains that when she and her co-worker were alone, she told her that it was rude and unimpressive to switch between different languages. She adds that “it's not a flex to forget words” and that Sienna should start treating people with respect. According to the post, she also added that it was “sad” to forget words in her own language.
Obviously, Sienna didn’t take too kindly to this feedback and according to the OP, she called her an “a...hole”.
The OP explains that Sienna must have snitched on her because her manager now wants to have a meeting. She decided to ask the internet if she really was the “a...hole” because she “kind of needs to know before the meeting”.
Many Redditors were completely on Sienna’s side, telling OP that what she said was petty and completely out of line.
One commenter even claimed that she was jealous of Sienna’s ability to speak multiple languages.
Others were upset that the OP called Sienna “annoying” for wanting to get an education while having a job.
And another commenter decided to educate the OP on what it's like being multilingual.
“YTA. Believe it or not, if you are multilingual you do forget words. And no, it's not a sign of disrespect if you do. Jealous much?
Also she does the job she is paid for, isn't she? Everything else is up to her.”
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