Friday 9 June 2023

17 Traits You Think Men Find Attractive, But They Actually Don't

There are certain traits that women may believe men find attractive, but in reality, they might not be as appealing as we think. Here are seventeen examples.

Playing games and being a drama queen

Traits You Think Men Find Attractive, But They Actually Don't

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Games are fun, and being a playful woman cannot hurt. But playing games creates unnecessary drama. Once a man sees through it, he is done. This trait only works in dysfunctional relationships, and while many women think it is okay because of all the romance novels and movies, men disagree.

Playing it safe

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Not that a woman should go bungy-jumping on a first date, but men like to be with ladies with whom they can share an adventure once in a while.

Not knowing how to have fun on your own

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Some women think they should do everything together once they are with someone. What men genuinely want is a woman who can dedicate time to herself, as it is a sign of self-respect. It also allows him to miss her. 

Fillers overload

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Beauty enchantments should have some limits, men believe. While women think that bigger lips or breasts are always better, men disagree. They prefer a more natural look, as it shows confidence and makes a woman appear down to earth.

Looking too young

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If a woman looks too young and acts all cute, men cannot see her as sexy. If a naturally beautiful woman has a youthful appearance, it does not mean men won't find her attractive. But overall, men tend to gravitate towards more mature beauty, though it is unclear why.

Always dieting

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It is one thing if a woman is naturally thin, but if she is constantly dieting, that's not a trait man care for. Firstly, they like feminine curves, and secondly, men want to share their meals. The worst thing for a guy on a date is to eat his meal while his girlfriend is sipping water. 

Also read: How to Lose 3 Pounds a Week Safe and Smart When You’re in a Time Crunch

Fake brows

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The fashion world has been brow-obsessed for over a decade. Women still obsess over this trend, but men do not care about it. If it looks fake, it sends the wrong message. Plus, it seems weird from a man's perspective.

Also read: How to Remove Microblading Eyebrows at Home

Spending like there’s no tomorrow

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With the rise of social media and shopping hauls, many women swear by the Sex And The City quote, “Shopping is my cardio.” Men see this trait as childish, and it can even be a deal breaker in long-term relationships.

Being too funny


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Guys want to be the funny ones. If a woman is a born comedic, a man might feel threatened. Having a funny female friend is fine, but a girlfriend should be the one laughing at his jokes.

Also read: 10 Steps to Develop a Magnetic Personality Nobody Can Resist

Ugg boots

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Women think Ugg boots are appealing and cool, but men find them unflattering. Especially if a woman wears them with ripped jeans and a tee during warmer months.

Certain tattoos


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Tattoos are sexy, that is something women and men agree on. However, if they cover a woman's chest or navel area, they might not be as seductive. These are intimate places men want to mark, and tattoos in these areas often look like hair patches, not only a distraction.

Related: Can We Go to Heaven with Tattoos? Here is What the Bible Says



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Women love to think that contouring gives their faces better cheekbones and smaller noses. But men hate when a woman uses makeup to hide, so they do not care for this trend.

Not having a group of friends

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Having a group of friends shows that a woman is loyal and can maintain a healthy relationship. Introducing her new man to her BFFs will give him a new sense of respect and remind him that she does not have time to wait for him.

If a woman has no friends, especially female ones, it is not a trait men care for. 

Husky voice

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A husky voice is supposed to be sexy, or so women thought. In reality, men prefer higher-pitched, breathy voices, University College London research confirmed. It awakens their protective side and makes them feel more powerful.

Appearing too independent


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Men like to think they want independent women, but it is like a challenge. After a while, they start to feel useless. So, even if a woman is 100 percent a boss lady, a man needs to think he is her knight, her prince.

Also read: INTJ Female: Discover All About This Incredible Personality Type

Constantly swearing

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While it is rebellious when a woman is a teenager, it is a cute look to see a grown woman swear like a sailor. Women think it makes them look tough, but men find it crass.

Lacking manners


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While guys want a chill and relaxed person, not knowing when to say “thank you” or “please” is a sign of bad manners. This trait goes both ways, as well manners are a trait that never goes out of style.

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