Saturday 10 June 2023

20 Positive Things Trump Did as a President (and Tweeting Is Not One of Them)

Though many called Donald Trump the worst president in history, of course, not everything he did was bad. Reddit posters compiled a list of all the things the trump administration did that was positive, so here are 20+ best-rated and most important answers (covfefe is not included). 

Made animal cruelty a federal felony


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One of the most praised decisions the Trump administration made was making animal cruelty a federal crime. On Reddit, this was also among the most upvoted comment in the thread.

Gave permission for US Marines to investigate human trafficking

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The former president, as a Reddit user wrote, "allowed U.S. Marshals to assist in capturing human traffic victims. There was a huge spike in arrests after that." Many argued, "There was a huge spike in arrests but a huge drop in convictions." But, with Covid, numerous trials were postponed.

Related: 47 Crazy Donald Trump Facts That Will Drive You Nuts

Paternal leave for federal employees

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Apart from giving paternal leave of 12 weeks to new fathers, not only mothers, one Reddit user added, "It also applies to adoptions, but I was surprised how little Paid Parental Leave was known."

Signed Savanna's act into Law


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As a Reddit user explained, "The act works to improve law enforcement response to crimes committed against Indigenous people."

Made hospital bills transparent


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Though a Reddit user said, "Presidents can veto, but they don't "approve" laws," it was during Trump's reign, and that's how many will remember this new law.

Signed Right to Try Act


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A Reddit user, who summarized numerous achievements during the Trump era explained this "gives desperate cases the ability to circumvent FDA regulations for treatment." Simply , he "pushed for allowing terminally people to try experimental drugs."

Told Kevin McAllister where to go

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One of the funniest comments came from one of the best-known movies, Home Alone. In the second part, Trump told the boy who was lost in NYC to go "Down the hall and to the left."

He didn't invade any countries


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Though it might sound strange to the people outside the U.S., this was a rare occasion when the U.S. did not go into a new war. But, another Reddit user added, "Legally. The number of drone strikes increased under Trump."

Increased the minimum smoking age to 21

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Trump regulations restrict the use of fruit and mint flavorings in vaping cartridges. Redditors also mentioned that he raised the legal age for smoking from 18 to 21. One Reddit user wrote, "It will have long term health benefits."

Ban the Box reform

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This reform implies that ex-offenders do not have to check the box asking if applicants have a criminal record from hiring applications.

The Artemis Program


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As a Reddit user explained, "Trump administration started the Artemis Program, an actual, fully realized manned lunar program, that was resilient enough to survive an administration change, a death sentence for many manned programs."

Guarding 5G networks from foreign control


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Trump's campaign to build 5G networks on Western rather than Chinese technology was to secure communications in democratic countries from Chinese surveillance and even Chinese sabotage.

Also read: 21 of the Biggest Lies in American History

Approved heavy weapon sales to Taiwan

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Image credit: Timo Volz via

Trump was the "first president ever to seriously acknowledge Taiwan." He also signed the Taiwan Travel Act. It allows for high-level officials of the U.S. to visit Taiwan and vice-versa.

Related: 23 of Donald Trump's Most Hilarious Moments as President

Showed the structural flaws of the American political system


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One commentator received plenty of upvoted for pointing out that Trump showed flaws in the American political system. The poster added, "It doesn't matter which side you're on, some things can too easily be taken advantage of. Let's just hope you use that to somehow fix them, but that doesn't seem to be the case so far."

Operation Warp Speed

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As one Redditor said, one of Trump's most significant accomplishments was "accelerated COVID-19 vaccine development. Ironically, his followers are the group most opposed to any of the pandemic measures."

Started the student debt talks


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Trump "made it possible to discharge student loan debt for people on permanent and total disability," a Reddit user wrote. It opened up more talks about student debts and what the country can do to make education less stressful on one's finances.

Abraham Accords

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This is a series of joint normalization statements initially between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain. One Reddit user wrote, "maybe too soon to tell for certain if the impact will truly be positive, but any concrete step advancing Arab-Israeli peace and cooperation seems like a good thing to me."

Economy strategies

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Trump promoted small businesses and, as one Reddit user pointed out, "His economic policies were showing signs of major growth although the pandemic cut them short." If there were no pandemic, perhaps Trump's efforts would have made a bigger impact.

Signed into law a chemical clean-up for harmful chemicals the U.S. used against Vietnam

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A Reddit user wrote that Trump declassified millions of pages of "Vietnam era and post Vietnam military special operations." Another added, how Trump "signed into law America’s (long overdue) clean up of the chemical mess the US military left behind in Vietnam."

Federal recognition for the Little Shell Chippewa Tribe


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The National Defense Authorization Act, signed into law on December 20, 2019, granted the Tribe Federal recognition. Reddit user commented, " Took 157 years but Trump finally did it."

Also read: "It's been a clown show for at least 6 years": 32 Things We Once Highly Respected but Are a Complete Joke Now

Signing the farm bill


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Among comments mentioned, Trump was praised for signing the farm bill, which was "huge for cannabis reform." The 45. president was also praised for increasing funds for "historically black schools and universities."

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Source: Reddit


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