Friday 16 June 2023

Cops Called on Man for Moving Neighbor's Stuff... Out of His Own Yard

An interesting TikTok series posted by a family account left many in a discussion about the “un-neighborly” behavior of their own neighbors and, once again, about an entitled woman running deep in the wild.

Karen Neighbor Calls Cops Because Man Moves Her Stuff Out Of His Yard
Illustration only - photo by JackF via

Woman Has The Audacity To Tie Her Snow Fence To Man’s Gutter

A man who runs a family account on TikTok (@chrismadison15) detailed his “adventures” of going back and forth with his neighbor over where she should fasten her snow fence – hopefully somewhere that specifically wasn’t on his home.

The first TikTok posted in the series was a 7-second clip that showed Chris (the one who runs the account) cutting off the zip ties his neighbor used to fasten her snow fence to his gutters with a pair of scissors.

The text overlay on the video read: "Our new neighbor decided to zip-tie her snow fence to our gutters today."

The video continues with the text overlay explaining that Chris moved the snow fence back into his neighbor's yard before ending with: “...tomorrow should be interesting."


Looks like we got Karen as a neighbor now, this should be fun!

♬ original sound - Chris and Madison

Neighbor Continues To Find Ways To Set Up Her Snow Fence Using His Property

Unfortunately for Chris, it was. He explained that he asked his neighbor not to zip-tie her snow fence to his gutters. So the next day, his neighbor came up with a solution to put the snow fence back up. This time, she piled a bunch of items against his house in order to keep it standing, crossing over into his property line.

He once again took matters into his own hands, removing the items away from his house and putting them back into his neighbor's yard where they belonged. 

Apparently, this went on for several days with the neighbor. She kept finding ways to sit the snow fence up by somehow utilizing his home, and he would have to go back after her and remove her methods away from his house. And the neighbor was not happy about it.

@chrismadison15 Replying to @mommymare ♬ original sound - Chris and Madison

She Calls The Police…Because He Keeps Putting Her Stuff Back In Her Yard

Chris explains that the woman never came to him directly to address the issue, but instead called the police on Chris for touching her stuff and throwing it back into her yard. Which she illegally put in his yard, to begin with!

The TikToker detailed in one video that he was considering getting an attorney that could help him with a cease-and-desist order against his neighbor, including getting a property fence in order to keep his neighbor from using his property for anything ever again.

Many people in the comment section of his video praised him for standing up for himself, including putting the neighbor’s things back into her yard where they belong.


But what are they? And yes all her junk is still piled up next to our house. We’ve got a plan though stay tuned

♬ Mission Impossible Theme (Movie Trailer Mix) - Dominik Hauser



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