Friday 9 June 2023

Father Leaves His Own Son’s Wedding With His Stepmom After He Denied Her the Mother-Son Dance and Danced With His Aunt Instead

Irritation reached boiling point as a father left his own son's wedding with his stepmom just because he refused to share the mother-son dance with her and opted to dance with his aunt, who had been living with her for a long time.

Looking for answers

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Two Hot Takes (@twohottakes) recently shared a TikTok video featuring a father who sought answers and validation for his decision to leave his son's wedding simply because he didn't dance with his stepmom.

Struggling to Bond with Stepmother

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Illustration. Image credit: Marija Jovovic via

According to the OP, his son Jordan, who is 27, got to know his stepmom, Natalie, when he was only 16. Unfortunately, Jordan's mother passed away when he was just 13 years old, and he never truly accepted Natalie as a motherly figure, pushing her away at every opportunity. 

Jordan's efforts to distance himself from Natalie even went as far as moving in with his aunt several months after his father and Natalie got married. 

Journey to Reconciliation

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As time passed, Jordan and Natali slowly began to mend their relationship and started seeing each other more frequently.

So when Jordan's wedding day finally arrived, he knew he couldn't imagine it without his father and Natalie there to share in the joyous occasion.

The Mother-Son Dance Dilemma

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The father was happy about the wonderful atmosphere at the wedding, but his excitement was short-lived when he discovered that his son had chosen to dance with his aunt instead of Natalie for the mother-son dance.

Leaving the Wedding Early

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Only after his son turned down the dance did the father learn of the situation, when Natalie told him in a minute later.

Fueled by irritation over his son's actions, he made the decision to leave his son's wedding with his wife Natalie.

Family Drama Unfolds

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The father received multiple calls from his family after they saw him leaving the wedding, and Jordan called later seeking an explanation for what he did. 

Jordan was clearly mad about his father suddenly leaving the event, explaining that it was his wedding day and that he should focus on his own happiness instead of trying to satisfy others.

Choosing Aunt over Stepmother

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Jordan also told his father by explaining that he danced with his aunt instead of Natalie because she held a motherly role in his life, while Natalie did not, adding that his stepmom shouldn't have expected any special treatment.

Hurt Stepmom

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“It’s not a special treatment,” the father disagreed, clarifying, “but a tradition.” 

Furthermore, he pointed out that his son hurt Natalie's feelings for no reason other than to be “malicious.”

Offended Son

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Jordan felt offended by his father's behavior, accusing him of “ruining his day and causing a scene.”

Additionally, the rest of the family sided with the son and said that the father shouldn’t have left, no matter what. 

The Son Did Nothing Wrong 

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Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, expressed her support for the family's position, stating, "I'm with the family." 

She then clarified that the dance is referred to as the "mother-son dance" for a reason, and Natalie is simply not the groom's mother.

Unresolved Tensions

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Continuing her argument, Morgan pointed out, “This is a stepmom that came into his life when he was 16, basically an adult.” 

She also suggested that the groom and Natalie likely had unresolved issues, given that he moved in with his aunt when she married his father. 

A lot going on

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“There’s a lot going on here that OP isn’t telling us and trying to play the victim of ‘oh, he hurt my wife on his wedding day. Oh, God forbid,’” Morgan added.

“Grow the f...k up, support your kid, tell your wife that she’s out of line for even being hurt. Be supportive, but don’t ruin his day, don’t be a do..che of a dad.” 

It’s Unfair for the Son

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Sympathizing with Jordan, the host noted that he lost his mother and only has one parent to share his happiness and special day with, suggesting that it’s unfair that his father couldn't be there on his important day.

Why Should Natalie Even Expect to Dance with Jordan?

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One individual replied with a big "YES" to the father's original question, that “it doesn't make sense” for Natalie to expect him to do the mother-son dance with her when they had no close relationship.

It’s Jordan’s Wedding, Not Natalie’s 

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Many people shared the sentiment that a wedding should be about doing what makes the couple happy, and if Jordan didn't want to dance with his stepmother Natalie, no one should be upset with his decision. 

One commenter emphasized that “It’s his wedding, it [the one he chooses to dance with] should be who he holds special.”

She’s Not His Mom

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

A different commenter, who voted “YTA,” pointed out that the father should be aware of Natalie's role in his son's life, which is clearly not that of a mother since he denied her the mother-son dance.

“Natalie is Jordan’s dad’s wife, that’s all,” they stated, explaining, “She’s not his mother, she’s just the woman his father married when he was almost all grown.”

Choosing to Dance with Aunt Makes Sense

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Many believed that Jordan's decision to dance with his aunt instead of his stepmother made perfect sense, given that she had been a constant presence in his life for the “entirety” of it.

“Playing the Victim” 

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One individual contended argued that the OP was not presenting the full picture and was only portraying themselves as the victim. 

“He’s playing the victim and not saying the whole truth,” they wrote.  

Dad Should Stay Out of This

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Another individual argued that the relationship between a stepmother and son should be left for them to define, and the father should not interfere or have a say in it. 

“It’s not his dad’s decision to decide his wife’s relationship with his son,” they commented. 

Family Knows Best

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In an interesting take, one viewer suggested that the family's choice to side with the groom only proves that the stepmother is “the problem that the dad can’t see or won’t admit.” 

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