Wednesday 28 June 2023

"I make my wife dig through the trash": Man Wonders If It's Wrong to Make His Wife Search Through the Garbage

Marrying someone who places great importance on details and organization can be quite challenging if you're not naturally wired the same way. As shared by a husband on Reddit, conflicts can become so intense that the husband may make his own wife to dig through the trash, as shared by him on Reddit. 

woman searching the trash
Illustration. Image credit: lisegagne via

A husband recently posted on Reddit in a post titled: "AITA because I make my wife dig through the trash", asking for opinions on whether he was wrong to make his wife search through the garbage.

The post begins with the OP stating that he lacks the expertise to label his wife as having OCD, but he notes that she possesses sharp attention to detail in many aspects, describing her as “incredibly anal.”

He says that he can mostly tolerate this, but the only thing that bothers him is that his wife doesn’t understand that soap dispensers require regular refilling.

The husband explains that as soon as he returns from work, he uses the bathroom located inside the back door of his house, where he needs soap to wash his face and hands after a long day at work or doing yard work.

He mentions that his wife prefers to have liquid soap dispensers in the bathroom, which is a thing that he can “live” with. 

However, it becomes a problem when she forgets to refill them after they're empty, forcing him to use a different bathroom in the house. “Then she gives me sh..t for bringing dirt into the house,” he continues. 

In an effort to solve the soap dispenser issue, he bought a sleeve of bars of soap to keep in the bathroom. His wife, however, found batches of soup to be gross, so she decided to throw away all the soap he bought.

He even bought refillable dispensers in another effort to tackle the problem, but yet again, it did not work. “She gave me sh..t for wasting money on refillable soap dispensers,” he explains. 

He further adds that his wife's preference is to buy liquid soap in large gallon-sized containers and she often buys them in bulk. The problem is that she doesn't always store them in the same place, so it's hard for him to find them when I need to use them. 

And if he even has to search for them, she'll complain about him disorganizing her pantry.

Whenever he runs out of soap now, he just throws away the dispenser and takes one from the other bathroom, causing his wife to be upset when she comes home and has to dig out the dispenser from the trash to refill it."

Even though her husband requested that she keep a gallon of soap in the bathroom, she refuses to do so. And when he went as far as purchasing his own gallon to address the issue, it still didn't work when his wife found out about it. “She found it and hid it wherever she hides that sh...t,” he explains. 

The OP ends the post by stating that his wife now thinks he’s “being an a..s” because he throws away the dispensers. But he places the blame on her for failing to refill them in the first place.

He went so far as to draw a line on the dispenser in his bathroom as a reminder to his partner that a refill is needed within a week's time.

Here’s what Redditors had to say 

The post quickly went viral within a few hours of posting, with thousands of commenters supporting the husband and sharing their opinions on the wife's behavior.

“you're very much NTA,” one user wrote, “Your wife, on the other hand, is TA and it sounds like she has some bigger control issues. Hint: It's probably not just about the soap!” 

A second commented, “OP is definitely NTA. What kind of weird soap opera is this?! Get her a good therapist.”

A third joked, “NTA this soap opera is borderline insane.”

A fourth questioned, “NTA What wrong with her?”

A fifth added, “Nta, I’d be hiding the soap in my car at this point.” 

In the end, some people struggle to control their behavior when it comes to organizing, and in some cases, medical assistance may be required. And according to Redditors, the husband acted justifiably in making his wife search through the trash and placed the entire blame on his “very controlling” wife.



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