Thursday 29 June 2023

'Passport Bros' Are Leaving Feminist Women In Their Countries Behind To Pursue Relationships With 'Traditional' Wives Abroad: Because Western Women Are So Bad!

There is no doubt that the mindset of women in the Western world has undergone significant changes over time. Previously, women were often perceived as solely focused on family matters, adhering strictly to traditional values. However, the modern woman now approaches family dynamics and societal norms with a different perspective. 

Searching For Authentic Relationships

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

This shifting mindset, which deviates from age-old traditions, seems to be met with disapproval by certain men, who are increasingly opting to travel and work abroad in search of what they perceive as more "authentic" relationships with women from different countries. This emerging movement has been dubbed the "Passport Bros."

Love Beyond Borders

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

According to Urban Dictionary, "Passport Bros" are men who actively pursue relationships with foreign women, often from different countries. They hold the belief that cultural and societal influences have shaped the behavior of Western women, and by seeking partners from abroad, they aim to discover more genuine, satisfying, and harmonious relationships. 

This approach is perceived as a means to restore the balance between masculine and feminine energies while avoiding the perceived "wickedness" associated with Western women.

Seeking a Lost Era

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Similar to advocates of the MGTOW movement, the Passport Bros community belongs to the "manosphere," comprising men who perceive excessive control in a post-feminist society. 

They yearn for a return to what they deem an "unadulterated" pre-feminism era, where they distance themselves from women entirely and embrace a male supremacist lifestyle.

A Quest for Non-Feminist Wives

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Many self-proclaimed Passport Bros from Western countries, including the United States, strongly believe that women in their own countries don't make the best wives since they’ve been affected by the ideas of feminism.

As a result, these men are more interested in pursuing relationships with women from other countries, particularly those in Third World nations.

The Vision

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The Passport Bros movement has expanded to the point that there now exists a so-called "consulting agency" known as Passport Bros (@PassBros Official) on Facebook.

This page does not promote any gender biases officially and outlines its objective as establishing a worldwide community of "passport brothers who are well-traveled, open-minded, and who have an appreciation for different cultures and lifestyles.”

Learning from Abroad

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The content shared on the Facebook page indicates that Passport Bros have a keen interest in marrying women from countries like Hong Kong, Cuba, and Colombia, often highlighting the family-oriented nature of women in those places. 

In one post, they express, “In the US, we definitely have something to learn from this.”  

A New Movement? 

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Illustration. Image credit: Depositphotos

The Passport Bros phenomenon is likely not a new development. As Reddit user "cutiecat565" points out, “The ‘mail-order bride’ for creepy dudes isn't a new thing,” 

 In response, another user named "Rovember_Baby" shares their experience, stating, “The creepiest, stinkiest, grossest, scariest dude at my old job got a mail-order bride from the Philippines. I felt so horrible for her.”

Criticisms Surrounding Mail-Order Brides

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The term "mail-order bride" is used to describe a woman who willingly advertises herself in catalogs or on websites, hoping to be selected by a man for marriage. The practice of men from First World nations seeking brides from economically disadvantaged countries, whom they can have control over, has been widely criticized but has prevailed for several decades. 

Different Idea 

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Although many older men (sometimes referred to as "boomers") have engaged in such activities, the term "Passport Bros" is a relatively new concept.  

The Rise of ‘Passport Bros’ in Southeast Asia and Beyond

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

As stated in a TikTok video uploaded by The Comments Section (@thecommentssectionwbc), “Passport bros are men that are so fed up with Western women because we're all apparently so woke and so terrible, and Western women don't wanna be wives that they are now going to other countries to find wives.” 

“These men often go to countries in Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and the Dominican Republic.” 

“We Wanna Get Out!” 

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Based on this definition of "Passport Bros," this concept is the complete opposite of the mail-order bride concept; Instead of resorting to online orders to bring partners, it's about seeking relationships abroad, where expenses may be higher. 

Many of these men actively seeking to secure remote jobs that enable them to relocate and reside in foreign countries, where they ultimately meet these women.

Women Don’t Like It 

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Illustration. Image credit: Depositphotos

While the passport bro concept is gaining popularity among men in the Western world, it doesn't enjoy the same level of popularity among women in those regions. 

Actress and Host Brett Cooper argue that women in the Western world, specifically in the United States, are “so p.ssed off about it.”

“Passport Bros, Because Western Women Are So Bad” 

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Brett continues, “And they're [women in the Western world] like, you're going to all these countries, so these women don't even know how to speak English. They can't even read. They're so uneducated.”

Well-Spoken and Traditional

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

“And then the men, like, film themselves with these women and show themselves on dates. And the women are so elegant and they're so well-spoken, and they're so traditional, and they're like, look at these women!”  

Time Will Tell 

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Up until now, there have been no widely reported cases of Passport Bros marrying women from Third World countries on a significant scale.  

However, considering the movement's relatively recent emergence, there is significant potential for it to gain broader acceptance and integration into society, whether in the near or distant future. Only time will tell what the future holds for this movement, with men being the primary supporters so far.

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Source: TikTok


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