Saturday 10 June 2023

The 7 Male Personality Types - Which One Are You?

Understanding men’s different traits and characteristics can be helpful in many aspects of life, whether for personal growth, relationships, or even just for gaining a better understanding of the people around you.

In the animal kingdom, the alpha male is the one who gets all the females for procreation purposes. But in the human world, different personality types can be attractive to women. Sure, alpha males might have undeniable appeal, but it’s really the combination of different personality types that makes a man truly desirable. 

And because different women are drawn to different male personalities, understanding the various types can help you find your perfect match. 

Let’s dive into the seven different types of male personalities—from the dominant alpha to the laid-back omega, and everything in between!

Related: The 6 Female Personality Types - Which One Are You?

Alpha Male 

alpha male

Image credit: DrGrounds via

  • Examples: A successful CEO, a top athlete, or a confident and charismatic politician.
  • Ideal match: beta female.

An alpha male is the boss of the pack—strong, confident, determined, and respected by all. They might come off as intimidating at first, but deep down, they’re just big softies.

This “bad boy” usually believes he can have any woman he wants - and he might be right because he has everything: charm, charisma, and the ability to make tough decisions for himself and his woman.  

These traits often make alpha males the life of the party. They’re the ones who lead the group on a night out and always know the best spot to grab a drink. And who wouldn’t want to be with someone who can take charge and make decisions?

But be warned: dating an alpha male might be a bit unpredictable. They’re known for their big egos and can be tough to work with when proven wrong. But they tend to have charming personalities that can make up for their difficult behavior.

Just don’t expect to find much comfort or support from an alpha male—they’re not exactly known for their nurturing ways. 

Also read: 10 Steps to Develop a Magnetic Personality Nobody Can Resist

Beta Male

beta male

Image credit: Monkey Business via

  • Examples: A teacher, a social worker, or a sensitive artist.
  • Ideal match: alpha female.

In the context of social hierarchy, a beta male is often seen as the “nice guy” or the “sidekick” to the alpha male. They’re less assertive and more inclined to follow rather than lead. 

But that doesn’t mean beta males are weaker or less valuable in any way. In fact, they can bring a lot of positive qualities to the table, such as being reliable, supportive, and wise. 

Unlike alpha males, beta males are more sensitive, less aggressive, and can handle criticism well. They’re also the ones who are willing to listen and offer helpful advice rather than always trying to be the center of attention. 

These guys might have been the quiet, nerdy types in school who were picked on a bit, but as adults, they’ve become light-hearted and emotionally intelligent.

Just don’t expect them to be your wild and crazy party buddies—beta males make for great friends, but maybe not the most exciting romantic partners!

Delta Male

delta male

Image credit: Minerva Studio via

  • Examples: A financial analyst, a business manager, or a lawyer.
  • Ideal match: gamma female.

The term “delta male” is often used to describe a man on the lower end of the social hierarchy and may be seen as submissive or lacking in confidence. 

Delta males haven’t had the best luck in life. They may have been alpha or gamma personalities at one point, but something tragic probably happened that caused them to change. Deltas are very private people who tend to be aloof and apathetic. They can be resentful and are often not very welcomed at social events because of this. They tend to be lonely as a result.

A delta male is seen as the “average” guy in the social hierarchy—the one who goes to work contributes to the community and takes pride in his accomplishments. 

These guys might not be the alphas or betas of the group, but they’re the backbone of society and get stuff done. Delta males are also likely to move up or down in the hierarchy, depending on their actions and choices. 

They don’t feel the need to please the alpha males constantly and are not even interested in leading the pack—they just desire respect and recognition for their skills and contributions.

Also read: INTJ: Getting to Know the Rarest Personality Type in the World

Gamma Male

gamma male

Image credit: DimaBerkut via

  • Examples: A painter, a musician, or a writer.
  • Ideal match: delta female 

Gamma males are all about striking the perfect balance between fun and responsibility. They’re the life of the party, but they also know when it’s time to get down to business. Gamma men constantly need adventure and excitement in their lives and don’t want to be left idle for too long.

These guys are known for their knowledge, kindness, and empathy. They might be hopeless romantics at heart, leading them to struggle in the dating market and misunderstand women at times. 

However, women are lucky to have a gamma male in their life as they’ll do anything in their power to fulfill their partner’s needs and make them happy. 

Gamma males also tend to display some feminine behaviors, expectations, and values to win their partner’s heart. They put their family first and prioritize their loved ones in any given situation.

Omega Male

omega male

Image credit: Zinkevych via

  • Examples: Not specified. 
  • Ideal match: not specified. 

Introverted and relaxed, omega males are the ultimate chill dudes! They’re all about having a good time and living in the moment and are a little reluctant to embrace traditional social norms like marriage, family, and a 9-to-5 job.

Omega males might be a little immature and irresponsible at times, and they might not have the same level of ambition as some other people. They might have been picked on in school or college because of their behavior. 

On the positive side, omegas are surprisingly intelligent—they just don’t always act on that intelligence. They can flawlessly recite historical dates and events while playing a video game or solve a challenging crossword puzzle while lounging on the couch, but don’t seem to have much interest in anything else. 

Related: Omega Female - All to Know

Sigma Male

sigma male

Image credit: GeorgeRudy via

  • Examples: A freelance artist or a small business owner.
  • Ideal match: not specified. 

The sigma male is a bit of a mystery. They’re a quiet, introverted version of the alpha male, they’re the lone wolves of the social hierarchy—they do things their own way and don’t need anyone else to be happy and successful. 

These guys are independent and self-sufficient and don’t need to be part of a group or follow the crowd to feel fulfilled. They prioritize their own needs and values and don’t mind being alone; in fact, they might prefer it because companionship can slow them down. 

Sigma males don’t need attention and prefer to fly under the radar, offering other men the chance to be at the top of the social hierarchy without all the loud, showy behavior! 

Related: Sigma Male Guide and Sigma Female Guide

Zeta Male

zeta male

Image credit: Prostock-Studio via

  • Examples: A computer programmer, a scientist, or an engineer.
  • Ideal match: alpha female 

The zeta male is a bit of a rebel—they’ve rejected traditional expectations of what it means to be a man, like being a provider and protector. 

Zeta men don’t conform to conventional beliefs and refuse to be swayed or shamed by anyone. Instead, they don’t follow societal expectations and confidently live life on their own terms.

They’re highly independent and may struggle to fit in with traditional social norms. But that’s okay because they’re self-aware and know their own beliefs and values. They live authentically and don’t care about what others think of them.

With their unique perspective, zeta males have the potential to become highly successful in life. They’re not easily distracted by social pressures and are focused on their goals.

Male Personality Types - Final Thoughts

The 7 male personality types

Image credit: Petar Chernaev via

The ancient Greeks - who were always one step ahead of the game - came up with this fancy alphabetical system for categorizing men and women into different personality types, ranging from alpha males (confident and assertive) to beta females (nurturing and adaptable), all in the name of helping us find our perfect match. 

Use this knowledge to your advantage and see if this alphabetical system can help you find yourself, love, a job, or something else. Don’t forget that these terms are not set in stone, and men can exhibit different characteristics at different times, understanding the personalities of the men can only give you insight into how you might work together as a couple.

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