Sunday 18 June 2023

The most badass thing: Restaurant owner kicks out older couple for yelling at the waitress about the receipt

A restaurant owner takes a stand against the ill-treatment of his staff by kicking out customers who were yelling about the receipt, earning him the coveted title of "coolest boss ever" from one grateful employee.

When Customer Isn't Always Right, Restaurant Owner's Zero-Tolerance Policy on Mistreatment of Staff

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

A waitress at a pizza restaurant recounted a memorable story on Reddit about the owner who refused to tolerate the mistreatment of his staff by unhappy customers.

The OP notes that the incident happened to be on her first day at the job, having previously worked in overstaffed burger joints and Italian restaurants.

The Unforgettable Table 24, Overdressed Older Couple at a Pizza Restaurant

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

As things moved quickly at the busy pizza restaurant, the waitress was handling orders surprisingly well, managing about 10 tables despite being used to sections with only 3-4 tables.

Among the customers who came into the restaurant, she “will never forget” an older couple who sat at table 24 and were “overdressed” to be at a casual pizza restaurant. 

Everything Seemed To Be Going Well, Until - 

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Despite the challenges of starting a new job on a busy day, the employee recalls feeling great about handling all their tables, including table 24 where the couple was sitting.

“Until I did mess up,” she recounts. 

Making Mistakes on the First Day at Work

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The waitress recalls the man at table 24 being in a hurry and emphasizing how busy he was while handing over his card to close out. 

She admits to forgetting to print out the itemized receipt, which she acknowledged may be frustrating for customers.

Yelling at the Waitress to Get the Itemized Receipt 

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

As soon as she made this mistake, the man at table 24 didn't calmly ask for the receipt, but rather started to loudly criticize her in a small room with a deep and firm tone, telling her how “horrible” she was at his job.

Customer's Aggressive Yelling Was Accompanied By "Terrible Comments"

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The man at table 24 didn't just stop at scolding the waitress for her mistake. He continued to berate her with a barrage of “terrible comments” and wouldn't even let her walk away when she tried. 

As she was swamped with work and feeling overwhelmed, the other diners in the restaurant were able to hear the man yelling at her, compounding the difficulty of the situation.

Boss Stands Up for Their Staff

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Illustration. Image credit: Depositphotos

Fortunately for the waitress, the restaurant owner stepped in and came to the rescue. 

Upon seeing the man yelling at his employee, the owner wasted no time in walking over to their table and doing “the most badass thing” she has ever seen.

Kicking Out Customers Who Belittle Waitress

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

"Excuse me, sir," the owner addressed the man sitting at table 24, “I am the owner of this establishment. I’m not sure what the problem is here and frankly, I don’t care. What I do care about is you belittling my waitress. So I’m going to ask you and your wife to leave and not come back to my restaurant.”

Owner Doesn’t Care If He Loses His Business To Defend His Staff

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Illustration. Image credit: Depositphotos.

The man at table 24 threatened, “Fine, but you’ll be losing your business.” 

The owner remained composed and firmly stated, “I really don’t care, and don’t want people like you in my restaurant anyway.”

Boss Gives Employee Encouraging Words To Help Lift Her Spirits After Being Yelled At By The Customer

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Once the customer left the place the boss came up to the waitress and said: 

“ those people. You’re doing a great job and I wouldn’t have hired you if you didn’t show potential. If anyone else talks to you like that I want you to tell them to off and get out. I don’t want their money.”

The Coolest Boss Ever

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The OP was completely impressed with what the owner did, describing it as the ”coolest sh..t” she had ever seen.

“Coolest. Boss. Ever.” the grateful waitress concludes the post.

Redditor Recalls Former Boss's Take on Difficult Customers

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

A Redditor who found the story to be "awesome," shared a similar anecdote about their former boss who had a saying, “The customer is always right, but that guy is not our customer anymore.”

Standing Against “Rude” Behavior Towards Restaurant Workers 

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Someone else took the chance to speak out against people who could be “rude” to waiters or waitresses. 

They argued, “You could easily stay at home and cook your own damn food. Instead, you choose to go out in public and make an a..s of yourself?”

“Always Back Up Your Employees”

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

A different commentator expressed support for the pizza restaurant owner's decision to kick customers and urged all bosses to “back up” their employees. 

They also called out any boss who would prioritize a customer over an employee, questioning, “You really want to go shorthanded for a little bit while trying to hire a replacement?”

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Source: Reddit


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