Thursday 15 June 2023

This is totally weird: Boyfriend Gets Mad at Long-Distance Girlfriend for Not Setting up Her Room the Way He Wants

Long-distance relationships can be a real test of patience and commitment, as seeing your partner becomes a rare treat and the longing to be near them can be extremely difficult. But despite the distance, video chatting provides a much-needed connection in such a relationship.

Boyfriend Gets Mad at Long Distance Girlfriend for Not Setting up Her Room the Way He Wants
Illustration. Image credit: vadimguzhva via

However, One boyfriend went to the extent of requesting his girlfriend to set up her room similarly to his, in order to have uninterrupted video chats.

The boyfriend shared his story on Reddit, asking the community if he was wrong for getting mad at his girlfriend for not setting her room in the same way he did. 

The OP started the post by explaining that he (22M) started dating his girlfriend (21F) in January, but unfortunately, work took him about three hours north of her.

The boyfriend mentioned that things have been going great for both of them despite the long distance. And that COVID made her move back in with her parents, but she wanted a private study space instead of sharing a room with her sister, so she moved into her parents’ office.

The two of them talked about setting up their new rooms via text, and the boyfriend said that it was cute that they were doing this together. 

He also mentioned that he wanted to put his bed close to an outlet so that he could charge his PC from there, and also video chat her without having to leave the bed.

One day when they were video chatting, she told him that she had to leave her bed soon to plug in her computer, which made him feel “very frustrated” as she knows he likes to video chat with her while they’re both in bed. 

"didn't you understand that when I mentioned I was positing my bed towards and outlet I wanted you to do that as well?” he asked. 

His girlfriend felt “offended” and started crying about how he doesn’t have the right to tell her how to set up her room and that she could video chat him just fine from her desk.

To which he answered: "Well you know how important it is to me we do this from bed so it can feel like we're laying down next to each other."

Then, his girlfriend hung up the call after telling him he was being ‘ridiculous’ and hadn't spoken to him the whole day.

He concludes the post by stating that he believes he has the right to be angry as she disregarded something that was important to him, but he just wants to confirm if he's in the wrong in this situation.

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He sought the opinions of Redditors and received responses that didn't exactly validate his anger towards his girlfriend, with some describing him and his behavior as 'psycho,' 'insane,' and 'weird.'"

The opinions on Reddit were mostly consistent in regard to the boyfriend's reaction to his girlfriend. 

The top comment on the post stated that the boyfriend was in the wrong and hinted at the possibility of his having control issues.

“YTA,” they wrote, “it sounds like you have serious control issues, I honestly doubt that something like this is the first time you've been controlling over something small. I can't blame her for not talking to you all day, and honestly I wouldn't blame her if she just keeps not talking to you forever.” 

Another Redditor chimed in, agreeing: “Yup, OP she can put her bed anywhere she pleases. If you're like this when she lives several hours away from you I'd hate to think what you'd be like if you lived with her!”

The Reddit community considered the boyfriend's reaction as unusual, with one person commenting: “YTA and this is totally weird.”

A second wrote: “YTA 1000%. This is insane.” 

A third added: “YTA you're being a total control freak. If you both like video chatting in bed why don't you mail her an extension cord instead of acting like a psycho.”

A fourth commented that the boyfriend was acting entitled in this situation: “YTA. She doesn’t have to set up her room to please you and you sound like an entitled brat.”

A fifth shared their hope that the girlfriend would end the relationship, writing: “YTA. I hope she dumps your bossy a..s.”

Despite the stress of long-distance relationships that could lead to outbursts over disruptions to video chats, the Reddit community was in agreement that the boyfriend was in the wrong for getting mad at his girlfriend about the way she set up her room.



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