Wednesday 14 June 2023

We know working is a scam: Woman Reveals Why Millennials No Longer Want to Work Even if They're Successful in Their Careers

A woman who has personally felt a decrease in her own motivation to work made the assertion that "Millennials don't wanna work anymore."  In her argument, she strongly opposed the misconception that this generation is “lazy,”  presenting a thought-provoking argument to shed light on the actual factors that affect their changing work mentality.

The Millennial Quest for Meaning In Life

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Millennials are known for their pursuit of meaningful motivation, seeking work that resonates with their personal values and provides a sense of purpose. They certainly have a deep understanding of technology, being the pioneers who grew up amidst widespread digital advancements. 

Approach To Life

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Millennials also possess an open and adaptable mindset, readily embracing change, innovation, and novel approaches to both work and life.

The "Short Life" Mindset 

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This generation may have recently displayed a decreased inclination towards work due to various reasons. One TikToker, who goes by the username @millennialcrisis, took to the platform to shed light on why millennials no longer prioritize their careers or exert as much effort as before, stating, “We know how short life is now”

Life's Short, Work Less

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

According to the creator's argument, millennials have come to the understanding that life is too short to spend just on work. This realization of how short life is doesn't necessarily have to stem from a life-changing experience, as it often did for previous generations. Instead, millennials have gained this understanding through other means.

Early Wisdom


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She asks viewers, “You know that older person in your life that has someone close to them passed away, maybe when they were young, and now they live life to the fullest because of that?” 

Different From Previous Generations

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The TikToker argues that millennials have attained this early understanding of life not through life-changing experiences but rather through their exposure to information, setting them apart from previous generations.

Beyond the Office

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Regardless of how successful a millennial may be in their career, it is no longer their primary focus in life, as she explains, “So even for a lot of us if we’ve got a workplace that is purpose-driven, and they’ve got great values and they’re doing amazing work, we’re still like, ‘I wanna travel, I wanna do other stuff with my life.’”

Chasing Fulfillment


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The lack of desire to work, despite achieving success in their careers, can lead to a sense of confusion among millennials. They are expected to feel satisfied with their life and accomplishments, but often, they don't experience that sense of fulfillment.


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The TikToker points out, “That’s also confusing for us, because we’re like, ‘Oh, my God we’ve got all of this privilege, the work we’re doing is great and all this kind of stuff, why am I still depressed? Why do I still hate my life? Why do I still not want to work?”     

The Power of Information

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

In her explanation, she provides an answer to the questions that millennials often ask themselves, stating, “It’s because we don’t place the same value that was drilled into us before on that and so we shouldn’t” 

Summing up the video's message in one sentence, she asserts, “The access to information has made us smarter”

Millennials Open Up 

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The TikTok video seemed to resonate with many millennials, leading them to share their own reflections on the declining motivation to work within this generation. One viewer expressed, “Work was a completely different deal for bloomers. Work now. Buy a cheap house, you'll get easy promos, respect at work, and a golden handshake at 55.”

Valuing Time


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A second commenter shared, “My workplace can't understand why I will only do my 38. I have told them numerous times, I would rather have the time to hang out with my dog.” 

Exposing the Work “Scam”

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“We know working is a scam,” one viewer stated, “Sorry but we don’t pay the government's wages to do the bare minimum for the people. We can’t even buy a house if we worked.” 

Another viewer agreed, highlighting the realization that companies operate as pyramid schemes, where the CEO reaps the highest financial benefits while employees are “taxed like crazy.” 

Work Until We Drop

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Another individual expressed their disappointment with the grueling working hours that people are expected to endure, to the extent that it may eventually lead to exhaustion and even shorten their lives. 

They humorously remarked, ” Looks like the way things are going we are all going to work until we drop dead before we can retire or see our retirement”

Financial Realities

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While the mindset that work isn't the most significant aspect of life resonated with some viewers, others raised valid points by arguing that if millennials embrace this perspective, they shouldn’t then complain about being unable to afford stuff. 

Lifestyle Questions

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One viewer questioned, “So how are you going to fund your lifestyle/life? Where are you going to live? How are you going to pay for food? Retirement fund? Buy a house?” Another commenter agreed, “Her attitude is fine, but then there can’t be complaints about not being able to afford things…”

Hardworking Parents Fund Millennials' Lifestyles

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Others voiced their disagreement with the views, pointing out that some millennials adopt such thinking and rely on their parents to effortlessly sustain the lifestyle they desire. 

One commenter expressed, “I'm ok with this... EXCEPT, for the millennials that are expecting their hard-working parents to fund their 'lifestyle'.”A different viewer agreed, “Yeah and so many still live with their hardworking parents quite funny.” 

Millennials Share Fantasies of Work-Free Existence


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In the comments section, others shared their aspirations for the rest of their lives, indicating a desire to break free from the confines of an office. One person expressed their longing, stating“I just wanna be female Tarzan on a beach……… that’s all. No work. Just Tarzan” 

Another chimed in, “I don’t wanna work, I just wanna bang on the drums all day.”

Millennials Embrace Self-Worth Beyond Work, Study Finds

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Often misunderstood as “entitled,” millennials actually have a keen sense of self-worth and acknowledge that their work is not the only factor that defines them, according to a British Council study.

For millennials, finding work that is both stimulating and fulfilling is a top priority, along with maintaining a healthy work-life balance. They firmly hold the belief that sacrificing their personal lives for the sake of excessive work demands is not a worthwhile trade-off.

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Source: TikTok


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