Tuesday 13 June 2023

Woman dumps "nice guy" after 6 months because all he does is rub her feet and cook dinner, but has no desire to get a job

Ask any woman, and she'll likely tell you that it's absolutely adorable when your boyfriend is loving and caring, indulging you with foot massages and cooking you warm meals. Just like one girlfriend who used to think the same, until she couldn't handle it anymore after six months of dating. She ended up ghosting her boyfriend who seemed to be “on vacation all day.”

Abigail Ghosted Adam

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Adam Wilde and Blake Carter are back with another intriguing episode of "Ghosted" on 99.9 Virgin Radio, where they receive a call from a man named Adam. 

He's uncertain about what he did wrong to make his girlfriend Abigail suddenly stop responding to him and ghosting him, leaving him feeling weirded out.

Adam Was Serious About His Girlfriend

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During his call, Adam shares that Abigail is not just a casual girlfriend, but someone he has known for a while. 

They even celebrated their anniversary on New Year's Eve, although it was only after six months, which he acknowledges as "weird."

Everything Seemed to Be Going Well 

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During their "half anniversary," Adam recalls that he and Abigail watched their favorite movie, Love Love, and enjoyed champagne together, and everything seemed to be fine.

Abigail’s Sudden Silence 

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Despite the positive memories of their "half anniversary," Abigail has been unresponsive to Adam's attempts to reach out via calls or texts, and he is reluctant to resort to email to communicate with his girlfriend of six months, with whom he shares a home and plans for the future.

Seeking Answers from the Girlfriend

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Adam, eager to understand why Abigail has ghosted him despite what he thought was a strong connection, will be on the line with 99.9 Virgin Radio as they call her to uncover the truth behind her sudden silence.

As soon as Adam Wilde confronts Abigail on the radio about her ghosting her boyfriend, she immediately admits to it.

She Feels Bad about Ghosting Her “Loving” Boyfriend After Six Months

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Abigail admits to feeling “super bad” about ghosting Adam, stressing that she doesn't want to speak negatively about him because he's “a fantastic guy” who is incredibly “thoughtful, caring, and loving - everything she could want in a boyfriend.”

Abigail Reveals Why She Ghosted Adam

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Despite acknowledging Adam as a perfect boyfriend in many ways, Abigail reveals that one particular reason she ghosted him is that he doesn't have a job.

She goes on to explain that Adam has been without a job for the entire duration of their 6-7 months of dating.

The Boyfriend's Job Loss and Failed Job Hunt

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Abigail adds that Adam had been laid off before they met and had been actively searching for a new job, but he had not been able to secure one in almost 7 months, which was obviously a deal-breaker for her.

Adam Seemed To Be “on a Vacation All Day”

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Despite her efforts to encourage Adam to find a job, Abigail says that he seemed perfectly content with staying at home and making dinner, without making any effort to find employment. 

She describes it as if “he's on vacation all day.”

It’s “Annoying”

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While Adam may be trying to take care of his girlfriend in the meantime, Abigail finds it “annoying” that he's staying at home without actively seeking job opportunities.

Adam Was Comfortable Rubbing Abigail’s Feet And Cook Dinner 

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According to Abigail, Adam is in a “cushy situation” where he's content with just rubbing her feet and cooking dinner, without actively looking for jobs.

The Boyfriend's Reaction


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Adam interrupts the call, clearly offended by Abigail's accusation of him being in a cushy situation, as he believes he does work at home, such as cooking for her.

Abigail Is “Sorry” But She Can’t Live Like This Anymore


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“I’m sorry, Adam,” Abigail apologizes, “I’m sorry that you had to hear that but it’s true.” 

She explains to Adam that while it used to be “cute”when he rubbed her feet and took care of her, she can't continue living that way anymore.

The Hard Truth

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“To be frank, I’m no longer attracted to you,” Abigail admits, “you not having a job is super unattractive. I don’t like you anymore.” 

Adam's Disappointment, Feeling Misjudged by Women in the City

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Adam expresses his disappointment, stating that he feels like this is a common pattern with women in the city. 

He believes that they claim to want a “nice guy” who takes care of them, only to eventually treat him poorly.

Adam's Defends Himself, More than Just Foot Rubs in a Relationship


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“How can you take care of her if you don’t have a job against foot rubs?” Blake asks Adam.” That’s your part of the relationship?” 

When Adam says that his part isn’t only limited to rubbing feet, but also for making meals, Blake hints that he won’t be able to afford the groceries for these if he has no job.

The Final Word, Abigail's Direct Advice to Adam

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Before saying the last goodbye, Abigail offered Adam a clear and direct piece of advice: “Women will continously leave you if you don’t get a job, so get a job. Bottom line” 

Adam's Final Take on Relationship Outcomes

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Adam then shares his final thoughts before the end of the episode and official end of the relationship, saying: “You could be a really sweet guy, work hard, be really nice, and you’re still gonna get ghosted.” 

Adam Is Done with Being Valued Solely for Money

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Illustration. Image credit: Depositphotos.

When Blake suggests to Adam, "If you like massaging so much, why don't you go get a massage therapist job?" Adam says he’s tired of being valued only for the money he can bring to the table. 

“I’m done with that.” 

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Source: TikTok

source https://www.womenio.com/44794/woman-dumps-nice-guy-after-6-months-because-all-he-does-is-rub-her-feet-and-cook-dinner-but-has-no-desire-to-get-a-job

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