Thursday 15 June 2023

Woman Keeps Her Pregnancy Secret for 8 Months Shows Up at SIL's Baby Shower Causing Family Drama After Being Exposed

Do you think you should announce your pregnancy to everyone, or do you believe it is your right to keep it a secret, even from those closest to you? This has been a hotly debated topic recently, as evidenced by a Reddit post that went viral in just a few hours.

pregnant woman sitting
Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

An 8-month pregnant wife turned to Reddit to ask if she was in the wrong for hiding her pregnancy and then attending her sister-in-law's baby shower.

The OP starts the post by sharing that she (23f) is currently 8 months pregnant and was hoping to announce it soon after keeping it with her husband a secret from people.

However, things changed when her sister-in-law found out she was pregnant around the same time, making it a bit “awkward” to share the news, as she and her husband wanted to wait for the right moment to share our news. 

She shares that both of them only recently tied the knot after being together for 6 months. But, their relationship goes way back to when they were just 14, and they've been inseparable since they were 16. 

The couple was 17 when she found out she was pregnant, but things didn't go as planned. She had a preemie stillborn at 25 weeks due to complications. This time, though, they’ve been extra cautious, keeping their pregnancy a secret.

The to-be-mom mentions that she hasn’t been spending much time with her family lately, and she’s been trying to keep a low profile with her pregnancy. 

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Her bump is still small, but she's started wearing hoodies and loose clothing to keep it hidden from people. “With that I kind of just looked like I gained weight,” she shares. 

She was unsure about her attending the baby shower, but she was going to let her husband go instead and give her sister-in-law a gift. 

Despite her initial hesitation, the soon-to-be-mom ultimately decided to go to the baby shower at the request of her sister-in-law. She attempted to keep her pregnancy hidden while there.

The wife did show up, and according to her, everything was going smoothly and no one had suspected a thing - although a few people did look at her, nobody asked her anything.

Then, about an hour into the event, the pregnant wife started having minor cramps that soon became more intense. And she told her husband they had to leave and go to the hospital.

A sharp pain hit her as they were walking, so she grabbed the nearest picnic table for support. She nearly stumbled, drawing attention to herself. 

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The pains were getting so intense that she thought she was going into labor.

As people started gathering around the couple and asking what was happening, the husband couldn’t help but panic, saying, “She’s pregnant, guys she pregnant, something’s goin on, we have to leave.”

He then rushed her to the hospital. Fortunately, the pains had already lessened when they got to the hospital. And they learned from the hospital staff that it was false labor. 

The wife's sister-in-law and other guests were angry with the couple for hiding the pregnancy. They sent them “angry” text messages, saying how messed up it was, and expressing shock that the wife had attended the party while pregnant and kept it secret.

The wife ends the post by expressing her disappointment about receiving so many "unkind" texts – including how she had a "baby stunt" at someone else's shower – without a single message asking if she was okay. 

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The Reddit community was split in their opinions. 

The story garnered a large number of comments shortly after being posted, with Reddit users expressing a range of opinions on the wife hiding her pregnancy and attending her sister-in-law's baby shower.

“YTA,” the top comment reads. “You are 8 months along, can go into labor any day, and it comes out at your SIL's baby shower? That is extremely disrespectful. I get why you kept it private in the beginning. You should have told them before the shower and offered to not come if it would be an issue.” 

On the other hand, some Reddit users felt that the pregnant wife had done nothing wrong by keeping her pregnancy a secret. “Nta,” they voted. “You have no obligation to share your news with anyone. The pregnancy is yours. Your body. You don't have to disclose anything to anyone about your body ever.”

For others, the entire situation was messed up, and the blame was spread across everyone – The wife shouldn't have hidden her pregnancy, and the sister-in-law shouldn't have accused her of baby stunting. “ESH,” they wrote. 

Finally, a comment which reads, “I’m torn,” shows that this topic is a highly controversial and subjective one and it’s even hard for some to decide who’s in the wrong and who’s in the right, with varying opinions on whether the wife has the right to keep her pregnancy a secret or not.



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