The entire job market is full of "dirty" secrets. Wouldn't it be amazing if people knew more? Thanks to a viral Reddit thread, you might learn what various industries tried to hide from outsiders straight from the employees.
Olive oil's dirty secrets

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A Reddit user who works in an olive bottling plant in New York shared: "We had only one oil, but put it in 27 different packages that sold at different prices." They explained some were sold as aged, imported, virgin, or extra virgin, with "one brand sold for $30 for 12 oz., where another sold 128 oz for $12."
Starbucks' recycling

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A Starbucks employee shared that corporate "makes us have those recycling bins in the lobby to present this green image." Still, most garbage goes to facilities that don't recycle.
Also read: 21 of the Biggest Lies in American History
Friendly Customer service

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Did you know there is a mute button on customer service calls? A Reddit user shared, "they use it to laugh at you or call you names while you're complaining."
Cook's secret

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The food was not "made with love or care," as a Reddit comment wrote. They added, "it was quickly made with stress and hate by a cook either swearing at somebody or being sworn at."
Doctor's confession

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A doctor shared they spend "so much time in their specific niche," so they do not know anything else.
Related: 20 Dangerous Things Your Doctor Wants You to Stop Doing Right Now
Preschool teacher admits

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This Reddit user wrote, "I'm a preschool teacher, and your children tell us nearly everything about what goes on in your home."
Starbucks' barista

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A barista wrote, "if you're rude to a Starbucks barista, most of the time, we'll just decaffeinate your drink."
Nurse's warning

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Most nurses have lists of doctors they do "not want even remotely near them should they need emergency services." The poster added that people need to care about who they accept as their doctor.
Related: 20 Crucial Questions Your Doctor Wishes You Would Ask
Wedding Industry insider

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This poster works in the wedding industry. They shared that every "single service you purchase for your wedding has a marked-up price because we know you're going to spend it."
Thoughts on Psychologists

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A person who worked close to "a bunch of forensic psychs for the last few years" claims that psychologists are all "crazy."
Hospital insider

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The only clean place in the hospital is the operating room. They explained, "other than that, the place is crawling with germs and whatever else has mutated on the floors and walls."
Also read: 15 Bad Habits That Destroy Your Metabolism
Car dealer

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A car dealership worker said, "When you sell a used car to us, we give you a low and unfair offer. Then we turn around and re-sell it for a lot more."
Hospital bills

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A valuable piece of advice from another Reddit poster says you can negotiate hospital and doctor bills, adding, "many will offer large discounts if you pay at the time of service."
Farmer's Advice

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A farm worker wrote, "When they say you should wash your produce thoroughly at home, they're not joking."
Travel industry

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"Hotel room rates are often not fixed prices," claimed another Reddit user. They explained, "we generally start at the high end. However, if a customer hesitates or threatens to walk out, we can sometimes drop the price to keep them there."
Hollywood Photographer

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A celebrity event photographer confirmed that show winners of "the MTV VMAs, Teen Choice Awards, etc...already know they are going to win."
Media Training for Politicians

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A person wrote they worked in a political consulting firm where congresswomen and men would learn to be "normal" on camera. They noted that "nearly every politician who came in for training was clueless and had "their views" on the issues fed to them by my boss (the media strategist)."
Child Counselor's secret

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A child counselor shared, "the discussion with my colleagues was how the parents were the biggest problem, and the kids were just adapting to a crazy environment."
Copywriter on online reviews

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One Reddit user wrote that online reviews, social media presence, ratings, etc., are fake. They added, "I'm not saying it's every company out there, but it's been a lot of the ones I've worked for." In conclusion, the copywriter asked, "What are ethics? I surely don't know anymore."
Weight Loss Industry

Image credit: Rocky89 via
Most customers in the weight loss industry come from return clients "after they've gained their weight back (and then some)."
Related: How to Lose 3 Pounds a Week Safe and Smart When You’re in a Time Crunch
Commercial Radio

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A person revealed who wins radio contests: "It's never caller 5. It's the caller who sounds best on air."
Bouncers and Dress Codes

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There are usually no dress codes, and "other rules bouncers tell you at the door are usually made up on the fly."
Kitchen myth

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No one wears gloves in the kitchen since "they're actually more prone to spreading germs and filth because people don't wash them between touching different kinds of food. They exist to give the illusion of safety and professionalism."
Daycare secret

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Daycare worker claims, "we see babies take their first steps, but we never tell the parents because we don't want them to feel bad about missing it."
Corporate culture

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One shared, "corporate safety culture is not about protecting you from injury. It's about protecting the company from a lawsuit after you get injured."
Paramedic's insight

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A former paramedic wrote, "I've never once checked, judged, or cared whether you had on clean underwear. Your parents lied."
Olive Oil and Mafia

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One person wrote that the Mafia controls the Olive Oil Industry, adding, "In 2007, only 4% of Italian olive oil leaving Italy was actually pure olive oil. Fake olive oil has similar profit margins as cocaine trafficking with none of the risk."
Dentist on Toothpastes

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A dentist claims that all toothpaste is the same, " whether it says whitening, or gum protection, or whatever else, it is all the same." The exception is sensitivity toothpaste typically does have an extra active ingredient, KNO3.
Construction Worker's Tip

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"If your windows or sliding doors are tough to open and close. Nine times out of 10, we put your dish soap on tracks, and the thing works perfectly. It takes 5 minutes, and we charge 150," wrote a construction worker.
Job Recruiter Gives Resume Tips

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Job recruiter called requirements "more of a wish-list situation ."The person encouraged people, "never let some unchecked boxes deter you from applying - you have no idea what the applicant pool is like."
Car Insurance Agent

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An auto insurance agent begged people not to give away all their information. They added: "If you go on and on about your life story, you will probably end up saying something you don't have to and making your rate higher or getting yourself declined."
Thrift Store Secret

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One person from a sizeable thrift store chain said they do not clean anything, adding, "we get some really gross stuff that touches everything else, so next time you buy something from Goodwill, wash it well."
The Ice Cream Machines Are Not Broken

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A Fast food employee said that the ice cream machines are usually not broken, but people were too "lazy to clean it." The machine is not broken, but dirty. It is a difficult job and takes over four hours.
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Source: Reddit
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