Friday 14 July 2023

Entitled server accuses co-worker of "stealing" $500 tip, thinks woman's family didn't tip her because she told them not to

A restaurant worker asked the internet if she was the reason why her co-worker didn’t get a $500 tip. And if she is in the wrong because of it.

A woman recently posted on the AITA subreddit to ask other people their opinion regarding her family not tipping her co-worker the same amount that they usually tip her.

Her family usually sit in her section

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

According to the Reddit post, the OP (Original Poster) is a senior in college and works a serving job at a mid-level restaurant. 

She explains that she has been working there for almost a year, and her parents usually come in every Friday with her aunt and uncle. 

Her family usually are sat in her section to be served, and they tend to tip her extremely well, sometimes $100 or more.

The manager knows about it

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The OP’s manager is aware of this and tends not to have any issues with it because he knows that they are family and because the OP does not exhibit favoritism when they come in. According to the OP, the manager is very friendly with her family, having conversations with them and the like. There has never been much of a problem.

However, OP’s New Manager Doesn’t Like How Much Her Family Tips, Nor Does Her Co-Worker

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

“Unfortunately my manager is out because his wife is sick so he is on leave for 6 months,” the OP writes, “We have a temporary manager named Barb.”

The OP explains that Barb is very strict and sticks to the rules. She has been there for 2 weeks and has noticed that the OP gets tipped very well by this group of people every time they come in. “When I told her it was my parents she made a weird face,” the Op said.


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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The woman takes this time to note that she has a co-worker named Tina who is not fond of the OP getting a large tip from her parents every time they come in.

“She was always complaining to my old manager but he never cared.”

Birthday tip

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

At the time of the OP’s Reddit post, her family came in a week prior for her cousin’s engagement dinner which also happened to coincide with the OP’s birthday.

The OP explains that she was excited to see some of her extended family because it had been a while, and she was also excited by the large tip she knew she would get as a birthday present from her family members.

A mistake

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

She talked about it all week long the week before the dinner because she was very excited, however, Redditors will go on to tell her that this was a huge mistake.

Barb intercepts

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The story continues with the hostess getting ready to sit the OP’s family down in her section before Barb intercepts and tells them to sit the family down in Tina’s section.

“I ask Barb if I can serve my family and she says she is sick of me being unprofessional and I am hogging the tips away from the other servers who deserve it as well,” the OP writes, ”Tina sees this and is very happy.”

Co-Worker Gets $65 Tip, Screams At OP Because She Believes She Told Them To Tip Her Low

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

As some time passes, the OP’s mother goes to find her and asks her why she isn’t serving them for the night. The OP explains what happened, and by the end of a $350 meal, Tina gets a $65 tip. About 17% of the bill and very average.

After the restaurant closes for the night, Tina screams at the OP, telling her that she’s the reason why she didn’t get the $500 tip the OP was expecting to get the previous week.

Barb steps in

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“Barb steps in and accuses me of telling my parents not to tip Tina. I try to explain this was a present and Barb scoffs and calls me a liar.”

Is she in the wrong?

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

At the end of the post, the OP explains that she feels like she’s in the wrong in this situation and that she is scared to go back to work the next day as her other workers have been talking about it.

Redditors are divided on the matter

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“It's obvious that they tip you better because you're family, why the heck would Tina expect to be treated the same? NTA,” one person said.

“How insane is Barb to think that OP's PARENTS would tip another waiter what they tip OP. These are clearly just doting family members. They probably only go to that restaurant because their kid works there. If she pushes this nonsense attitude, she is just costing the restaurant business.”

Some disagreed

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

But other commenters were less agreeing, with one saying, “That’s fine-great and enviable even, but for a whole bunch of reasons, OP, you shouldn’t be talking about it beforehand with coworkers. Have a little empathy for the people around you who wouldn’t feel good knowing this as they’re looking at their tips and lack of a family to drop hundreds of dollars on them regularly. No reason to crow about it. NTA but I don’t think you were being very kind or wise. I also loved serving my family in college, but that’s a weird venue to quasi-publicly drop suuuuper nice financial gifts on ya.”

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Source: Reddit


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