Tuesday 18 July 2023

People Reveal Their Dirty Secrets: Things That Would Cost You Your Job If They Found Out at Work

It is human nature to have secrets and desire to spill them. While hiding behind their usernames, numerous Reddit users shared the one thing they would get them fired if their bosses found out. We picked the 21 most interesting ones.

Fake Christian


Image credit: rattanakun via Canva.com

"I work for a devout fundamentalist Christian organization," said a Reddit user. Then they explained, "I'm an atheist."

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High Life

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Image credit: Odua Images via Canva.com

Another poster wrote they would get fired over "how stoned I am when I come into my shift." They added, "it makes it easier to deal with our customers."

Cake Girl

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Image credit: miljko via Canva.com

A woman wrote she charges people "hundreds for wedding cakes." She revealed that each one is made of cake mix worth "$1 a box at Walmart."

Job market secret


Image credit: relif via Canva.com

A person wrote they are looking for a job. What's the big deal? They said, "If my employer found out, they'd dig up an excuse to force me out as soon as they could."

Related: 33 Dirty Company Secrets Revealed By Employees That We Are Not Supposed To Know

Restaurant employee's confession 


Image credit: Jupiterimages via Canva.com

A person who works in an upscale restaurant disclosed they "sneak into the freezing room and eat all sorts of delicious food." They added, "I'm not even eating at home anymore." They do not feel remorse and blame it on the unfair wages.

Power nap

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Image credit: BananaStock via Canva.com

A guy who is an apartment maintenance person confessed, "if I'm hungover or something, I'll grab a set of keys for a vacant apartment and take a long nap."

Jewelry thief 


Image credit: MadKruben via Canva.com

A photographer shared how they lost a precious piece of jewelry while shooting. They found it and hid it among the boss' papers. When the boss asked them to come to the office, they were sure he would fire them. However, the boss only said they missed photographing the piece. 

Supermarket takeaway

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Image credit: funky data via Canva.com

A supermarket worker told fellow Redditors: "I eat and take home with me food I'm not supposed to every day. The way I see it, that food would go into the waste, so I'm basically a hero."

Bad Nanny


Image credit: studioroman via Canva.com

A nanny wrote the children she takes care of are supposed to watch TV for an hour a day. However, "when I'm tired/not feeling good, I'll let them watch for most of the day."

Selfie queen

Image credit: freemixer via Canva.com

A woman said she was left alone in the boss' office for a month and all she did was take suggestive photos. She is still doing the same at her desk "when no one is around. "

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Friendly dealer


Image credit: RgStudio via Canva.com

"A fairly popular guy around the office," wrote that he sells marijuana to most of his co-workers. But he also has everyone "on tape doing multiple drugs with me in case they ever decide to betray me, and I will drop nukes in retaliation."

The hobby


Image credit: rattanakun via Canva.com

A person stated they have been "stealing all fire extinguishers to build a rocket chair." It is unclear whether it was a joke.

Enchanted CV

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Image credit: 89Stocker via Canva.com

One Reddit user gave a simple answer to what would get them fired. They wrote, "The fact that I don't have a GED or high school diploma."

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Businessperson at heart


Image credit: Antoni Shkraba via Canva.com

Without further explanation, a person wrote, "I exchange the free items we get for products I actually want."

Call of nature 

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Image credit: by nicholas via Canva.com

A person confessed they had an overly friendly encounter "in the bathroom with a co-worker." Several shared their juicy stories as well. 

Honesty in Mcdonald's  

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Image credit: Luis Rosero via Canva.com

A guy who works at Mcdonald's claimed he could not get fired at all. He added, "You'd almost have to try to get fired." Several commentators confirmed this statement.

Reddit addict

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Image credit: Brett Jordan via Canva.com

An IT guy revealed, "I spend 90% of the day looking like I'm busy when I'm really just goofing off on Reddit." Many echoed his sentiments.

Sleepy worker

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Image credit: Syda Productions via Canva.com

One person said, "When I work midnight shifts, I sleep. Most of my co-workers do, but it's technically not allowed."

Snoopy painter


Image credit: welcomia via Canva.com

A guy shared that he and his friend paint houses. While at work, they go through stuff, and that includes the most intimate items people keep in their drawers near the bed.

Vengeful worker


Image credit: crookoo via Canva.com

To answer the question about being fired, one person stated that they "wrote an article for a magazine about how silly it is to work there." Oh, the irony...

This secret is no secret at all

Image credit: Urilux via Canva.com

In all honesty, a Reddit poster wrote they would get fired over how they felt about their job. They said they share "the same secret the rest of us all have. We don't care about the company.: They concluded: At the end of the day, the only real reason we bother showing up to work is to get a paycheck to pay for a roof over our head and food to eat."

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source https://www.womenio.com/41740/what-is-one-thing-that-would-cost-you-your-job-if-they-found-out-at-work-21-people-shared-their-secret

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