Saturday 8 July 2023

Teacher Fired From Religious School Because "God Told" the Principal that "Teaching Wasn't Her Passion"

A teacher found herself facing an unusual dismissal from her job because the principal, claiming divine intervention, decided to fire her because God told him teaching wasn't her passion.

A Mission-Focused Religious Institution

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

In a recently posted TikTok video, Cassidy Elise (@cassidyeliseco) opens up about her time working for a religious institution with a mission-oriented focus. 

In her video, Cassidy opens by saying, "Welcome to 'how I got fired as an elementary school teacher. I graduated college 2019, went straight into teaching. That first year teaching was COVID year, I was a cute little 22-year-old, making it through, we did it."

Love for Teaching Despite the Pay Gap

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While she may not be particularly fond of the pay, Cassidy enthusiastically expresses her love for her job. "I taught for 2 years, I also, I taught at a private school instead of a public school because I thought that was like the dream like let's teach at a private school,” she continues.

“I exponentially made less than public school teachers. I was about six to seven thousand dollars less than the public school like right down the road."

Embracing the Mission

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Cassidy went on to explain that despite earning a lower salary at the private school, she understood the reasoning behind it. The school had a unique “mission” as a religious-leaning institution, where they not only taught academic subjects but also incorporated lessons from the Bible into their curriculum.

Stay Despite Salary Disappointment

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Following two years of employment at the school, during her year-end review, she expressed her desire for a salary increase. However, she ultimately decided to sign her contract and remain committed to teaching there.

Confident Teacher 

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Cassidy reflects on her experience, saying, "First year of teaching was obviously a little rough because it was COVID but I felt so accomplished like I absolutely loved my job.”

“When year two rolled around I was very confident in my teaching, like I knew I was doing a really good job just by the comments that I would get from like the parents and like the students and like some of my co-workers.”

Ongoing Growth

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“I just felt good,” Cassidy expresses, acknowledging, “there's obviously still a lot I needed to learn being a first-year, second-year teacher but I felt really good that I was doing what I'm supposed to be doing."

Data-Supported Success

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Cassidy highlighted that her confidence in her teaching abilities was further supported by data. She proudly shared that her students had achieved the highest rate of percentage growth in reading, which she found really “cool.” 

Enjoying Work

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This achievement not only reinforced her passion for teaching but also made her appreciate the joy of going to work and carrying out her responsibilities. 

The Sacrifices Along the Way

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The teacher also mentioned that there were certain aspects she didn't particularly enjoy, specifically referring to the school's administration. 

However, she accepted it as part of the package deal that comes with working at a mission-based school, understanding that there would be both good and challenging aspects of the job.

Divine Intervention

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Things took an unexpected turn when the school's principal claimed to have received a message from God, revealing that teaching was not her true passion.

Seemingly Typical Meeting 

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According to Cassidy, the end-of-the-year meeting was nothing out of the ordinary – teachers gather to share how their year went with the principal, receive their contracts for the following school year, and then the meeting ends. 

Silent Frustrations

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In the meeting, Cassidy raised some concerns about their payment, but she didn't make a big deal about it during her conversation with the Principal.

Following the meeting, Cassidy called her mother after learning that a pay raise was not in the cards. Her mother's response was to encourage her to "stick it out" with the school for another year and see how things progress.

"Concerned" Principal

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Cassidy then signed her contract and personally handed it over to the principal. The next day, while she was away on an out-of-state trip, she received a text from the principal requesting her presence to discuss something that he found concerning.

Divine Message

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Being out of state, Cassidy explained to the principal that she wouldn't be able to meet in person but suggested discussing the matter over the phone. The principal still wanted to have a face-to-face conversation, but Cassidy insisted on knowing the nature of their discussion before committing to it.

Not Your Calling

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The principal eventually agreed and suggested having a Zoom call to discuss the matter. Cassidy recounts, "So I get on a Zoom call with this man and he said you know what I...he said after our conversation yesterday I don't think you're passion is for teaching and actually God told me that that's not your passion."


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In response, Cassidy said, "That's so cool and interesting because God never told me that but that's really cool that he's only speaking through you because you're a man. So he said because this isn't your passion and God told me that this is not your passion I'm actually not gonna be renewing your contract anymore so you will not be teaching with us next year."

Teacher Left In Shock


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Cassidy was completely shocked by the reason the principal used to justify her termination. She concluded by saying, "And that blew my mind because of how much I had accomplished in that my passion was so towards the kids."

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Source: TikTok


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