Monday 3 July 2023

Women Who Seek Abortion In South Carolina Could Face Death Penalty - "They're SO Pro-life That They'll Kill You If You Have An Abortion"

South Carolina Republicans have introduced a bill that could impose the death penalty on women who get abortions.

Many see this as a direct threat to women. Planned Parenthood spokesperson stated, "This one is particularly concerning because it would impose the death penalty on women who have abortions." It further said the bill removes all exceptions, including for rape, fetal anomaly, and even the pregnant person's health.

Rob Harris of Spartanburg, who is behind the bill, said, "If we call it life and define it as life, then why should anyone, not just mothers, why should anybody be able to take that life?"

The bill would "ensure that an unborn child who is a victim of assault is afforded equal protection under the assault laws of the state."

Harris said that women who were victims of pressure could argue their case by testifying.

This bill received negative comments across social media, as a Reddit user wrote, "They're SO pro-life that they'll kill you if you have an abortion … hmm .. a clump of cells isn't a human being, bro."

Another said, "Handmaid's Tale was not an instruction book."

"They just can't wait to be able to burn witches again, I guess they really miss the old days," a Reddit user shared.

Most criticized the Republicans, as one person wrote, "They've weaponized our 10th Amendment to create their own little Christofascist hellholes in our country, which is blatant treason."

Another had an interesting question, "So, kill two instead of one? Wow, they don't make sense…."

Bill 3549 is an amendment to the South Carolina Prenatal Equal Protection Act of 2023. It would define a "person" to be even an unborn child regardless of the stage of development.

As a person shared, Twitter users were also concerned, "If abortion by choice is deemed murder, what is a natural abortion, AKA miscarriage? Involuntary manslaughter?"

Not all conservatives see this bill's point: "Most level-headed conservatives believe there should be some exceptions."

Many expressed fear, as someone said, "How frightening and barbaric."

The bill does not clarify what could happen to a woman who had a miscarriage.

Men have zero responsibilities, despite their involvement in creating a fetus. After all, one Reddit user asked, "Who will they assault after they kill so many women?"

The bill is a clear answer to the historical overturn of Roe Vs. Wade.

Where do you stand on this sensitive topic?



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