Saturday 19 August 2023

"Black people don’t make it": Former JP Morgan Worker With Master’s Degree Reveals Why She Quit Her Corporate Job After 6 Years of Hard Work

Based on her six-year tenure at JP Morgan and her observations of discrimination against herself and her black colleagues, a former employee asserts that her master's degree held no value only due to her mixed Black heritage.

Ex-JP Morgan Employee Spills All

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Illustration. Image credit: Depositphotos

In the TikTok video by user @t_siracusaaa, who had worked at JP Morgan for six years, she explains the reasons behind her decision to leave her job in Corporate America. 

The video, captioned “Why I left my Corporate Job” has garnered over 26,000 views as of July 4th.

Mixed Black Identity Ends Six-Year Job

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“For other people, there was but for me, there wasn’t," the content creator says. Her explanation for this was probably because she is “mixed with Black.” 

Shattered Expectations

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She shares her story of spending roughly six to seven years at the company,  highlighting her extensive credentials and education, including a master's degree, only to discover that it wasn't enough.

Unequal Opportunities

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Throughout her tenure at the company, the former employee asserts that she didn't receive any bonuses, cost of living adjustments, promotions, or raises. No matter how much effort she put in, she says that she never achieved "the same results" as her colleagues. 

“I worked just as hard as my counterparts, if not harder, but was never able to see the same results,” she shares, “and the only difference between me and them was that I'm mixed person. I'm mixed with black”.

Professional Success Depends on Skin Color 

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Drawing from her personal observation of working hard at the company without seeing satisfactory results, as well as noticing the recurrence of this pattern among other individuals of Black ethnicity, she attributed these experiences only to skin color. 

Diversity is Diluted 

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“I've noticed that it happened to other Black people, that the diversity initiative is totally diluted, that somebody who's from Argentina, who's ethnically White is considered a diverse person, but, um, it is included in that pool,” she says in the video. 

Struggles Faced by Black Employees 

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“Black people don’t make it in JP Morgan," the ex-JP Morga employee concluded, arguing that Black employees at JP Morgan face various challenges in their career progression. 

No Career Growth

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According to her observations, they either struggle to advance within the company, face early termination, or remain the same without significant growth opportunities. “And that’s what happened to me. So, I left. It's not a good company,” she continues. 

Viewers Support the Decision to Quit

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The TikTok video has sparked a conversation in the comment section regarding the purported racial discrimination within the bank.  Several viewers have expressed their support for the former employee, commending her decision to leave an environment that they perceive as undervaluing her worth. 

Right Decision

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One viewer commented, "You knew your worth, you did what most wouldn't. Happy for you!" Another added.“They call it persona non grata. Basically you’re not welcome there. Good decision to leave.”

Bold Stand Against Discrimination

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Some individuals viewed the TikToker's decision to quit her job as a commendable and bold move in the fight against discrimination. One commenter expressed admiration for the decision, stating, "I admire the bold move. Always do what's best for you. Equatable opportunity for advancement is nonexistent for black people."

Fighting Back

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Other commenters joined the conversation to remind the original creator that she has the right to take legal action against JP Morgan if the allegations she made in the video are true. "Sue them and get that money," they advised. 

Long History of Discrimination

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Some commenters took the opportunity to assert that the company has a history of discrimination, not limited to any specific race. "JP Morgan Chase been doing this for years all races," they argued.

“This girl is so goddamn right," adding the company has been 'doing this for decades and nobody sees it but you make them motherf..kers rich and you stay is," another agreed. 

Previous Racism Accusations

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JP Morgan has been no stranger to allegations of racism, as evidenced by a previous incident in 2021. A former employee came forward and accused the company of engaging in racial profiling.

Black Doctor Feels Like a “Criminal”

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In yet another racial incident involving the company, a Black doctor filed a lawsuit against JP Morgan in federal court for racial discrimination. The doctor alleged that she faced discrimination when she tried to open an account with a $16,000 check. 

JP Morgan employees refused to open the account, accusing the doctor of attempting to commit fraud, as stated in court documents. “They took my special moment away,” recounted. “I felt like a criminal.”

Discrimination Beyond Race

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In addition to facing accusations of racial discrimination, JP Morgan has also encountered allegations of discrimination based on religion and political beliefs. 

In 2023, a group of 19 GOP state attorneys general issued a notice to JP Morgan Chase, claiming that the company had engaged in discriminatory practices against religious and conservative organizations. 

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