Sunday 20 August 2023

“I Hate Nice Guys”: Woman Reveals Her Top 3 Nice Guy Traits That Men Should Avoid When Dealing With Women

Although the “nice guy” may have the best intentions in mind to make their woman happy, their efforts often fall short, being perceived by women as boring and lacking confidence.

A honest opinion

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Illustration. Image credit: MmeEmil via

In a video that has since gone viral, TikToker Billie Rae Brandt shares why she particularly hates “nice guys” and gives them a few pieces of advice when treating women

A provocative statement

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Her video kicks off with a quite provocative statement, “Most girls won’t admit this, but for your sake, I will: I hate nice guys.”

She goes on to explain that some men may not even realize they fall into this category. To help them out, Billie offers three “nice guy” traits to avoid.

Sending exclamation points and emojis

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Illustration. Image credit: nicomenijes via

According to Billie, a man who texts in a certain way comes across as more feminine than masculine. She humorously asks, “Who am I texting? My best girlfriend?”

While some men may believe that this texting style makes them more relatable, she still thinks that a man can make her feel comfortable without giving her “feminine vibes.”

Putting her needs before yours

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Illustration. Image credit: Koldunov via

A man who prioritizes his own needs over those of his woman will be labeled as a "nice guy."

Thought-provoking questions

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

To emphasize her argument, she poses several thought-provoking questions for men to consider:

“Why do you think Chad is getting my attention? Do you think it’s because I get what I want every single time I ask him for it?” 

“Do you think it’s because every time I get upset he apologizes or buys me something to make me feel better? Do you think it’s because he stays home from the gym or his boys' night when I tell him I don’t want him to leave?” 

Giving compliments without meaning it

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Image credit: Depositphotos

One “disgusting” trait of a nice guy to avoid is giving a woman a compliment just to butter her up. Billie emphasizes that women can easily detect insincere behavior.

“We know when you’re saying it, it’s just because you think you have to, you make it lose its meaning,” she explains

“This one does you no favor, Steve, it’s just a slimy way to put me in a position where I can’t respond negatively without being called an ungrateful b...h.”

Commenters didn't seem to be entirely in agreement with Billie's views on nice guys

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Illustration. Image credit: Jazmin Tabuena via

“I am a nice guy,” one user stated, “Be yourself. Don’t try to be someone your not and don’t want to be.”

A peaceful life

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

A second shared, “As a member of the nice guys community let me make it clear that being nice is not a strategy to pick up women, but a way of living life in peace.”

Don't stop being nice

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

A third commenter suggested, “Dont stop being nice, just dont date toxic women.”

A fourth wrote, “she is a walking red flag.”

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Source: TikTok


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