Sunday 13 August 2023

Waitress Showing How Boomers vs. Gen Z'ers Leave Tables at Restaurants Sparks Heated Online Discussion 

Boomers found themselves in hot water for their lack of organization at a restaurant, as a viral video revealed an aftermath at their table that was in stark contrast to the extremely organized table of Gen Zs.

"OK, Boomer": The Boomer-Gen Z Tension

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The vast generational divide between boomers and Gen Zs remains a heated topic of discussion, with both sides accusing each other of a lack of understanding and vastly different approaches. As a result, Gen Zs commonly resort to the popular phrase, "OK, boomer," to dismiss the viewpoints of boomers.

Noticeable Contrasts in Dining Behavior

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The differences between these two generations are impossible to overlook – from their thought processes to their fashion choices, and even their dining preferences. This contrast was particularly noticeable in how they left the table after finishing a meal at a restaurant.

Boomers vs Gen Zs' Restaurant Table Etiquette

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

In a TikTok video that has now gone viral, TikToker and waitress Kate Brande (@katebrande) captures footage of two tables at the restaurant where she works. 

The first table, previously occupied by boomers, showcases the aftermath of their dining experience. Meanwhile, the second table, previously occupied by Gen Zs, reveals how they left it after their meal. 

Don’t They Get Paid To Do That? 

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

In the short 11-second clip titled “They get paid to do that' vs 'we know restaurant life is hard, here, let us help you out," Kate Brande highlights the contrast between the two tables. 

The boomer's table is visibly messy and disorganized. On the other hand, Gen Z's table is super clean and organized.

A Scatter of Items

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The first disorganized table of five boomers features plates, cups, ketchup bottles, tissues, knives, forks, and spoons scattered randomly. Additionally, remnants of food can be seen on some of the plates. 

Was the food not that good for baby boomers? 

The Pristine State of the Gen Z's Table

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The second table of six Gen Zs is the complete opposite of the Boomers'. It showcases plates perfectly stacked upon one another, each spotless as if food has never touched them. Ketchup and water bottles are perfectly aligned, with no trace of leftover food to be found on the table.

Kate Brande Reflects on the Role of Serving and Cleaning

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Although Brande acknowledges that serving and cleaning up is part of her job, she still believes that leaving a table in such a messy state, as the boomers did, is not an act deserving of respect. 

Speaking to BuzzFeed, she explained, "I posted it because I thought it was ironic since older people always expect respect." 

A Kind Gesture

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Brande continues, "I'm not saying I expect people to ever stack their plates like that, because hey, I'm a person too. I want to go out and eat and not worry about the dishes or anything.”

“All I'm saying is it was cool and helpful of the younger people, and I appreciated it.”

Viewers Rally Behind Gen Z's Clean Table

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Brande's video gained immense popularity on TikTok, accumulating millions of views and sparking intense discussions about generational differences and contrasting dining habits and etiquette exhibited by each generation.

The clip resonated with many viewers who supported Gen Z's table and its clean and organized state. One viewer expressed their support by stating, “I love cleaning up my mess at restaurants, the wait staff already goes thru so much, so why not help?” Another user agreed, “I always put the plates together when I’m eating out because it’s respectful”.

Clashing Opinions

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Contrasting the supportive comments, there were also those who didn’t see any issue with the appearance of the boomers' table. One person remarked, "Hmmm. The table looks like they ate at a restaurant and left. You know, like you're supposed to do." 

“Don’t Be Lazy”

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Illustration. Image credit: Depositphotos

Some viewers echoed the sentiment that it is the server's responsibility to clean up tables after customers leave since servers are paid to perform this task. One viewer expressed, “I meannn that’s literally half of your job.”

Another person agreed, “It’s not a customer's job to clean the table... don’t be lazy. I have worked in the industry and never expected anyone to do my job.”

Does It Depend on Where You Dine? 

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Amidst the heated argument regarding whether one should clean up or leave the table as it is at a restaurant, some people found themselves confused, with one commenter stating, “I've gotten mixed opinions for service staff saying stacking doesn't help sometimes :/ depends on the place.”

Boomers' Wasteful Behavior

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Someone else pointed out the wasteful behavior of the boomers, who not only left the table in a mess but also left behind uneaten food. “And notice how much food they just WASTED!” they remarked.  

Customers Who Clean Up Make a Big Difference

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

In the comment section, a waitress openly expressed her appreciation for customers who take the initiative to clean up after themselves. She admitted,  “I love when people do that for me....I'm a waitress and I love when people understand that this helps....a LOT”

Job Change Following Viral Video

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

After Brande's viral video reached the restaurant where she was employed, and quite obviously the management did not appreciate the video and “got mad.” However, Brande has since moved on and found a new job and she no longer works at that restaurant.


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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

What are your thoughts on this debate? Should we leave the table as it is because it's the servers' job, or do you believe it's respectful to help them since their job is already stressful enough? Maybe you think it all depends on the place you're in, so you're still confused? 

Regardless of your standpoint, everyone can agree that while Brande didn't appreciate what the boomers did to the table, and while the Gen Z's made her job easier, the Boomers definitely made her TikTok famous! 

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