Thursday 8 June 2023

19 Bad Behaviors and Traits Women Are Extremely Attracted To (And Regret Later)

Good guys often end up in the doomed friend zone because many women find certain bad behaviors highly attractive. Though gals know they might get burned, for many, a bad boy is someone they cannot resist. Here are the top 19 behaviors that attract women, despite being damaging.

Irresponsible actions

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The initial attraction to a bad guy often begins with his lack of responsibilities. The guy is spontaneous, free-spirited, and adventurous. Though it is not a recipe for a long-term healthy relationship, it is undoubtedly an exciting experience.

Acting fearless

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Illustration. Image credit: Hrecheniuk Olesksii via

Fear is there to protect and warn you, but like with other emotions, it can keep you locked up in your comfort zone. A fearless guy might help you get out of your restraints, but if you are not careful, you might put your life in the hands of a reckless person.

Smoking and drinking

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A Belgium's Ghent University study proved that women prefer guys who drink and smoke. They are more attractive as short-term romantic partners. Women perceive this "risky" behavior as a "male mating strategy."

Rebellious spirit

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Image credit: Kaponia Aliaksei via

Women are attracted to rebellious guys because they tire of acting like good girls throughout their lives. While rebellion is acceptable when you're a teenager, if you haven't gone through that phase, you might find yourself seeking comfort in a reckless, rebellious grown-up man. And just like in your teen years, your relationship should be a phase.

Good looks or charm


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Blame it on the media, even the art, but you cannot have a bad boy and his baggage without a nice-looking package. The image of James Dean might pop into your mind, and by the time you are emotionally invested, you are already under this guy's spell.

Accented masculinity


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He is an alpha, and it is our female nature to obey. Well, at least initially. And like animals in the wild, he is untenable, but a woman cannot help herself. Taming the beast is the ultimate goal, though only a few achieve that. Others were left with scars.


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Image credit: Helgy via

Bad boys are aggressive, which can work in your favor, but it might also get you in trouble in many cases. An alpha male is possessive, which is often confused with being protective. Instead of loving a woman, they claim her, which is a massive red flag.

Lack of emotional availability

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Image credit: Hirurg via

Women go after emotionally unavailable men because their bad behavior is addictive. Yes, if a guy does not text you or comes and goes as he pleases, it turns into a chase. For his attention, love, his presence. It is unhealthy, and women know that. Yet, knowing that you cannot get someone is a turn-on.



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Though confidence is not a bad trait, when you meet with an overly confident guy, chances are you will have to "shrink" yourself to fit into their world. Despite all the destructive behaviors, these men are authentic and exciting, which is the sole reason they get away with almost anything. At least for some time.  

Flirting with others

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Some see flirting as disrespect, while for others, it is fun. It could go both ways for bad guys since they do not like seeing their women flirt but like to make them green with envy. Flirting is also in their nature, part of their charm, and that irresponsible act.

Telling you what you want to hear 


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It is manipulative behavior, so it is not surprising that many bad boys do not have long-term friendships and are seen as flings. They are smooth talkers, magnetic, and can make a woman feel like a queen. This is all short-lived, but at least your inner wild child will hear exactly what she always needed. 

Mysterious and unpredictable

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

A bad boy's unpredictability can be both exhilarating and exhausting. You never know what he might do or say next, and this keeps the excitement alive. However, this lack of predictability can also lead to anxiety and mistrust.


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Bad boys are notorious for their reluctance to commit to a relationship. They want to keep their options open and maintain their freedom. While this behavior can be attractive in the short-term, it can lead to heartbreak and disappointment in the long run.


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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

A bad boy is not afraid to break the rules and go against societal norms. This can be attractive to women who want to rebel against the status quo. However, this behavior can also be dangerous and lead to legal trouble or harm to oneself or others.

Playing hard to get

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Playing hard to get can be an effective strategy in the dating game, but when taken too far, it can become frustrating and hurtful. Bad boys are experts at playing hard to get, which can keep women chasing them for longer than they should.


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Dominance can be a desirable trait in a partner, but only when it is balanced with respect and consideration for the other person's feelings and needs. Bad boys often prioritize their own desires and needs over their partner's, leading to an unbalanced and unhealthy relationship.

Lack of empathy

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Bad boys often have a "me first" mentality and lack empathy for others. This can lead to them being insensitive and hurtful to their partners. While this behavior may seem exciting at first, it can quickly turn into emotional pain and trauma.


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Aggressiveness can be attractive in a partner, but only when it is channeled in a healthy and respectful way. Bad boys often use their aggressiveness to control and manipulate their partners, leading to a toxic and unhealthy relationship dynamic.


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Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. Bad boys often display narcissistic traits, which can make them charming and confident in the short-term but can lead to emotional abuse and manipulation in the long run.

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