Friday 23 June 2023

Boomer Boss Gives His Hardworking Employee a Bonus of $250 Thinking It Would Change His Life

In a recent TikTok video, one employee shared a story that perfectly illustrates the disconnect between boomers and younger generations when it comes to the value of money. 

Image credit: @sampelissero via TikTok

His boss wanted to give him a Christmas bonus that was supposed to change his life, but the amount turned out to be only $250.

As we all know, boomers have a very different perspective on money compared to younger generations. They don't seem to grasp the current rise in prices and inflation, and this is why they often get dismissed with a blunt "OK boomer".

A recent story of a TikTok user named Sam (@sampelissero) went viral on the platform, and it's not hard to see why. 

After working for a production company for six months and struggling to make ends meet, Sam says that he was expecting a raise that would reflect his hard work. Unfortunately, no matter how much he asked, his boss refused to give him one.

In an attempt to improve his situation, Sam started driving for Uber and Lyft. But one Christmas, his boss – who has been hearing him complaining about being underpaid – brought him into the office to give him his bonus. 

He told Sam that the money in the envelope was going to change his life,  saying that he recognized how hard Sam had been working and saw his potential to be a long-term employee. 

His boss also told him the best news he could ever hear: he would never have to drive for Uber or Lyft again. 

“In this envelope, Sam, is your Christmas bonus,” the boss told him. 

“I just wanna say, I know how hard you've worked the last few months of being here. I just know how much you don't like driving for Lyft and Uber. the money in this envelope is going to change your life. You'll never have to drive for Uber or Lyft again.”

Sam was super excited to hear the news, thinking that he would receive thousands of dollars that would change his life for the best. 

“I went back to my desk, and my stomach was full of butterflies,” he shares. “I was like, it's gonna be thousands of dollars. it's gonna be like $10,000. it could be $5,000.” 

However, his excitement only was met with disappointment, as this sum of money turned out to be only $250.

@sampelissero #stitch with @maryefrost I don’t think there was every a period of time where that much money was life changing 😭😭😭#fyp #boomer #storytime #poor ♬ original sound - Shmee

Sam's disappointment was shared by the viewers of his TikTok video, who were shocked over the boss's out-of-touch view of how much money could change someone's life. 

“I would’ve asked if it was missing a couple zeros,” one viewer shared.

“Did you walk out??” a second asked. 

“Maybe he meant, ‘you’ll never have to drive for Uber or Lyft again… tonight.’” a third suggested. 

“Me thinking $10,000 still won’t do a lot,” a fourth commented. 

“Can’t even buy groceries with $250,” a sixth shared. 

Another viewer joked that it was like “when your grandma gives you a birthday card with only $5 in it.”

In a nutshell, Sam’s story serves as a reminder that different generations have different perspectives on the value of money. While $250 may have been a significant amount for some boomers, it certainly wasn't life-changing for Sam. 

Let's hope that in the future, bosses will keep up with the times and understand the true costs of living. Maybe they should join TikTok to stay in touch. 



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