Tuesday 18 July 2023

27 Surefire Warning Signs You're Dangerously Low on Vitamin D

Getting enough vitamin D is challenging, especially during winter months. Some researchers suggest that over 80 percent of people suffer from vitamin D deficiency.

This vitamin was initially connected to bone health. It turned out that it has a much more significant role in the immune system. Here are over 20 signs that you need to check your vitamin D levels.

Getting ill often


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Vitamin D directly affects how your immune system responds to infections and viruses. If you are always getting sick, it could be related to lower-than-normal vitamin D levels.


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Image credit: Anna Tarazevich via Canva.com

If you are feeling tired, there could be numerous reasons, but you should certainly do a blood test and check for vitamin D levels. A 2015 study published in the Global Journal of Health Science shows that vitamin D deficiency is a common contributor to fatigue.

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Muscle weakness

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The Cleveland Clinic claims that muscle cramps and weakness are linked to a lack of vitamin D. This condition is not age-related, as researchers found it in children and seniors.

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Lower Back Pain in Women

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A 2008 study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society said lower vitamin D concentrations were linked to significant back pain in women. This conclusion did not apply to men.

Muscle ache


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Mayo Clinic suggests that any muscle pain, especially during summer, could be caused by vitamin D deficiency.

Gum Diseases


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Since vitamin D helps our bodies absorb calcium, it is clear why its deficiency might lead to gum disease and, therefore, loss of teeth.

Hair loss


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Vitamin D helps push the hair from its resting to the growing phase. A vast number of women with alopecia had a significant lack of this vitamin.

Severe PMS

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

John Hopkins Medicine researchers found a link between severe PMS and severe and frequent menstrual cramps and the lack of vitamin D.

Bone aches and pain

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Image credit: Milan Markovic via Canva.com

Any bone pain or discomfort could indicate a lack of vitamin D. If you feel aches in your breastbone or shinbone areas, you are more likely to suffer from vitamin D deficiency.


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Image credit: cottonbro via Canva.com

If you are experiencing trouble sleeping, yet you are unsure of the cause, it could be related to vitamin D. Low doses of the sunshine vitamin are connected to sleeping disorders, researchers conducted and published in the Nutrients in 2018.


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Image credit: Angela Roma via Canva.com

Lower vitamin D is associated with increased incidence and severity of eczema signs, according to a 2015 study in the Journal of Clinical Medicine. Certain types of eczema have been linked with vitamin D insufficiency, so it would be best to see your doctor if you have this skin condition.

Slow-healing wounds

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Image credit: Gustavo Fring via Canva.com

Journal of Dental Research concluded that vitamin D levels are vital to post-surgical healing. If your wounds take forever to heal, you should check whether a lack of vitamin D is the issue.

Feeling dizzy

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Image credit: Andrey Popov via Canva.com

A 2018 study published in the European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology states not getting an adequate amount of vitamin D can cause benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). This suggests that a lack of the sunshine vitamin can lead to prolonged episodes of dizziness.


Erectile dysfunction


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Johns Hopkins University research showed men with a deficiency in vitamin D are more likely to have ED than men with normal sunshine vitamin levels.


Frequent urinary tract infections


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Vitamin D helps prevent infection by helping human bodies create natural antibiotics. If someone suffers from chronic UTIs, it could be connected to a vitamin D deficit, regardless of age.

Issues with Digestion

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Inflammation of the digestive tract causes diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fatigue. Insufficient vitamin D could cause inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and affect its severity.

Being overweight

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Obese people are 35% more likely to be vitamin D deficient than non-obese people. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in a healthy diet, as found in research in 2015 and 2019.

Signs of Depression

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Image credit: Aris Leoven via Canva.com

Women with low vitamin D are more likely to develop depression symptoms. Research published in 2020 claims that people experiencing negative emotions who received vitamin D supplements noticed an improvement in symptoms. Among them were those with major depressive disorder.

Joint pain


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Joint pain could be caused by taking too little or too much vitamin D. This vitamin is vital for the immune system, muscles, and bones, but it is also dangerous to use without consulting your GP.


Joint inflammation

Joint inflammation

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Vitamin D is critical for overall health. It could reduce joint inflammation, but you need to see your doctor and check if you need vitamin D supplements and changes in your diet.

Higher risks of Pneumonia


Image credit: Gustav Fring via Canva.com

People who suffer from vitamin D deficiency are 2.5 times more likely to get pneumonia due to a weakened immune system.

Excessive sweating


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With regular or moderate activity, an average body temperature, and a mild temperature environment, excessive sweating might be a sign of vitamin D deficiency.

Insulin resistance

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Image credit: Klaus Nielsen via Canva.com

Insulin resistance is a stage before prediabetes and diabetes. The lack of vitamin D might cause the condition, which, if left untreated, could lead to more severe health issues.


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Image credit: studioroman via Canva.com

Vitamin D deficiency leads to a loss of bone density since our bodies rely on it to help absorb calcium, which is vital for bone health.

Childhood Language Impairment


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Though incomplete, certain studies suggest that taking prenatal vitamin D supplements may reduce the risk of developmental language problems in children.

Tooth Decay in Toddlers

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Image credit: Pavel Danilyuk via Canva.com

Vitamin D is crucial to the formation of our teeth. Future mothers should regularly check their vitamin D levels since deficiency could lead to premature birth and tooth decay in young children.

Risks of Cancers

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Image credit: studioroman via Canva.com

Vitamin D deficiency was linked to colorectal cancer risk in a study from 2018. Low vitamin D levels were associated with more advanced, aggressive prostate tumors. Similarly, people with high vitamin D levels were 35% less likely to develop pancreatic cancer.

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source https://www.womenio.com/41457/27-warning-signs-youre-low-on-vitamin-d-are-you-at-risk

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