Friday 7 July 2023

Company Requests a Worker to Work on Weekends After Discovering They Work a Side Hustle Ok then I quit

There's no denying the fact that some employers believe they have complete ownership over your life simply because they pay you for the work you do for them. This perspective was exemplified by a recent incident involving an HR who tried to enforce weekend work on an employee after discovering they had a side hustle.

Shocking Discrimination Against Employee's Side Hustle

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

A thread shared by the Redditor u/InfiniteMaf gained rapid popularity within Reddit's r/antiwork community, sparking a wave of outraged responses regarding the HR's treatment of their employee simply because of their side gig.

Weekend Gig Ends Employment

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

After someone at the company noticed that a worker was doing unrelated gigs on weekends, the HR department called him the very next day. As the situation unfolded, the worker decided that he no longer wanted to continue working for that company.

The OP pointed out in their post that his regular job was strictly Monday through Friday.

Resisting Pressure

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Once the worker told HR that they had no intention of stopping their outside-of-office-hours gigs due to the absence of conflict of interest, an executive took it upon themselves to call the worker. 

Unrelated to Job Field

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Illustration. Image credit: Depositphotos

The executive reiterated the title of the post after clarifying that the worker was considered salaried exempt.

“it’s [the side gig] not even close to the same field,” the worker empathized in their Reddit post. 

Provokative Suggetion

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

In response to the worker's question about what they should be doing when the office is closed, the executive suggested that they could “spend time helping make the company better.”

This could involve devising new strategies or creating training programs for other departments. 

Final Straw

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

After expressing their shock and engaging in a brief argument, the worker ultimately declared their resignation.

“I told him I quit,” the worker recounted. 

Unmoved by Persuasive Attempts

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Immediately after ending the call with the executive, they wasted no time and sent their letter of resignation to HR. Despite HR's persistent efforts to convince them otherwise, their attempts were unsuccessful. 

Last-Ditch Effort

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In another effort to convince them to stay, the HR went on to explain how the worker “could never find another employer that would pay me the same.”

Worker Lands New Job in Just Weeks

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

HR's assertions turned out to be incorrect, as it only took the worker a couple of weeks to secure a new job. Although their overall income is now lower, when you calculate it on an hourly basis, they actually make significantly more per hour. 

Freedom from “Maniac” CEO

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The Reddit post further read, “You no longer need to work 60+ hour weeks with a maniac CEO who gives out daily fire drills and expects you to drop everything to get something done for him.” 

More Family Time & Reduced Stress

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The outcome has also provided the worker with additional time to spend with their family and experience less stress. “In the end, I’m glad this happened,” they wrote. “F..k that old place.” 

Outpouring of Disgust


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The post has gained significant attention within the Reddit community, eliciting strong reactions from some users who expressed their disgust in the comment section regarding HR's behavior. One commenter remarked, “It’s equal parts disturbing and disgusting the way people think they own you just because you work for them. F..k them.”

In agreement with the sentiments expressed, the OP responded, “Right? These guys straight up thought I should work round the clock for them.” 

Emotional Abuse When Employees Quit

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

A different Reddit user voiced their disapproval of the employers' employers' attitudes when someone quits their job, stating,“I always love that bit of emotional abuse they pull. ‘Good luck finding a better job’”

The Irony of the Situation

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Another individual pointed out the irony, commenting, “ haven’t you heard? ‘Nobody wants to work’. There are more jobs than people to fill them, by that logic. Good luck replacing ME.”

Out of Touch with Reality

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Someone else suggested that the HR's attitude is out of touch with the current times, remarking, “Jesus Christ. That guy sounds like he belongs to the f..king 1800’s”

Job Loss is Essentially a "Vacation"

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

A commenter presented a different perspective suggesting that getting fired from a job could be seen as a pleasant getaway. They stated, “‘Ok, then fire me’. Then you can collect unemployment insurance while you look for a new job. It’s like a vacation.”  

Insightful Reminder

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A seemingly wise commenter shared the following insight: “‘Don’t confuse free time with personal time.’ - Someone”  

Pursuing Passion

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In an update made by the OP, they clarified that the work they were doing on the weekends was related to a personal interest of theirs, completely unrelated to the company or its industry.

“I didn’t do it for the money,” they asserted, “I just happened to be getting paid for something I like doing.” 

Concerns of Legal Consequences

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In response to those in the comment section requesting the worker to disclose the name of the company, they’re “sadly” unable and unwilling to do so. This is because the company has a reputation for being litigious, even when it comes to Glassdoor reviews.

Employers' Ownership Mentality

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

At the end of the day, no matter how you analyze it, it remains difficult to determine why certain employers, like the HR in this case, perceive themselves as owners of your very being solely due to the fact that they pay you.

However, one thing remains certain: this behavior somehow resonates with past working conditions. Perhaps they’re stuck in a different time frame?

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