Wednesday 5 July 2023

"It's Nasty": Woman Under Fire for Accusing Sister-In-Law Of Lying About Burying Brother-In-Law's Wedding Ring With Him

A wife finds herself entangled in a heated family dispute following the passing of her brother-in-law. As tensions rise over the issue of the late husband's wedding ring, the wife suggests that her sister-in-law may be lying about having buried it with him, leading to further family drama and accusations against the wife, who is now being accused of harassing her grieving sister-in-law.

Passing Due To Cancer

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Illustration. Image credit: Depositphotos

In a recent Reddit post, a wife reveals the news of her brother-in-law's passing due to cancer two weeks ago. The sister-in-law, who is also the widow, has never had a harmonious relationship with the wife's in-laws as they had several issues in the past. 

Now, the mother-in-law is planning to secure grandparent visitation rights by going to court.

Wedding Ring Sparks Family Tension

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The wife's in-laws had been pressuring her sister-in-law to hand over her late husband's wedding ring, with the intention of keeping it. But she declined their request, leading to a heated argument that eventually resulted in her leaving with the kids.

Unexpected Revelation

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Seeking to retrieve the ring, the in-laws ventured to her house, only to be met with her clear denial of having it. Instead, she revealed that she had chosen to bury it alongside the wife's brother-in-law.

Accusations of Lying 

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The parents-in-law were completely devastated upon hearing the revelation. At that moment, the wife suggested that her sister-in-law might be lying to manipulate them into dropping the matter. 


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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Later, the sister-in-law made a phone call to the wife and verbally attacked her.

“Sister-in-law called me later cussing at me saying I was horrible to be basically meddling in her life and encouraging my inlaws to come after her and harass her,” the wife shares in her post. 

Mind Your Own Business, SIL Requests 

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

During the wife's argument, where she clarified that she had only made a suggestion and that her true issue was with the parents-in-law, the sister-in-law hung up after she told the wife to mind her own business and stop getting involved.

Harassing A Grieving Widow 

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The situation escalated further as the husband berated the wife for what she said. He also expressed his disapproval of his parents' behavior, calling them "crazy," and told his wife that she shouldn’t help them in harassing her grieving sister-in-law.

Hurtful words 

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

“I mean my parents inlaw are also grieving and I, too, am grieving,” she points out, “and my sister inlaw's words hurt me when all I did was just make a suggestion when I saw how devastated my parents inlaw were.”

Unexplained Resentment

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The wife emphasizes that there has never been a close relationship between her and their sister-in-law. 

She adds that, for some unknown reason, the sister-in-law seemed to hold resentment towards her even before the current situation.

Seeking Judgment

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Feeling uncertain about her actions, the wife turns to the Reddit community to seek their judgment by asking, “AITA for suggesting that my sister inlaw is lying about burying my brother inlaw's wedding ring with him?”

The wife receives a clear and mostly unified answer from the Reddit community,  although it may not necessarily be the response she was hoping for.

“Leave The Poor Woman Alone”

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

“You’re grieving?! What in the what? You participated in the harassment of a grieving widow but it’s ok because you’re also grieving so the grieving widow should be more considerate of you. That’s really what you’re going with?” one user commented. 

“YTA, leave the poor woman alone and ado maybe be mindful that if anything were to happen to your husband, this is the same crazy that you’ll be subjected to.”

Too Soon To Rush for Rights and Ring

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

“This poor woman barely buried her husband 2 weeks ago and these vultures of a ‘family’ are already going after her for grandparents rights and a wedding ring?????” another commenter expressed shock. 

“And OP thinks it’s okay cause they don’t get along…..”

“They Hate Her”


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When one user posed the question, "Why did his parents want to take their son's wedding ring away from his widow, who gave it to him when they got married?" another user straightforwardly responded with, "Because they're spiteful and they hate her."

“How It’s Your Business” 

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

“Why do these people think they have a right to his wedding ring? That’s something between him and his wife, has nothing to do with his parents/ extended family,” one commenter stressed. 

“Leaning to YTA because your assessment of this situation is unneeded and not helpful. Not sure how it’s your business either!”

“It’s Nasty”

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

“YTA, all of you. (Excluding your husband and the widow,)” another Redditor voted. “Her husband died 2 weeks ago. How about leaving her alone with all this bs? Also, it would only be reasonable for a widow to keep her husband's ring.”

They continued, “A wedding ring is something symbolic of the relationship. It’s a sign of partnership. It’s already nasty of your in-laws to even ask her to give it to them. Her marriage is really none of their business.”

“Everyone Needs To Get Legal Counsel”

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

“YTA - because you are now saying that you 'just make a suggestion' - no you didn't you accused her of lying. EVERYONE HERE IS UPSET and you just accused a grieving widow of lying!” commented another individual. 

“I suggest you stay out of this completely - nothing good can come from discussing any of this with any of the people in your story. Everyone needs to get legal counsel.”

“Horrible Behavior”

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“YTA,” voted one user, asking in disbelief, “Why would she give her dead husband's wedding ring to her in-laws?” 

“That makes absolutely no sense. She has every right to keep it or have it buried with him. And your husband is right, you should stay out of it and stop encouraging this horrible behavior. She’s grieving and deserves some peace.”

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Source: Reddit


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