Sunday 23 July 2023

Princess Kate Middleton is Just Like Queen Mother: ‘She’s Steel in a Velvet Glove’

With the recent claim that the Princess of Wales had a significant role in the famous Buckingham Palace royal statement, a royal expert contends that Kate Middleton shares several attributes that bear resemblance to the Queen Mother.

Beloved Figure

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Over the years, Kate Middleton's confidence has flourished since she became a member of the royal family. As a result, she has emerged as one of the most beloved figures among the royals. What lies behind her immense popularity? Well, an expert attributes it to her remarkable display of soft power.

A Remarkable Royal

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According to The Mirror, Kate Middleton has become one of the most popular working royals during her 12 years in the royal family. This is mainly because, compared to the beloved Queen Mother who passed away in 2002 at the age of 101 years old, Kate can be ‘strong,’ make her opinion count, and be ‘charming’ and ‘gentle’ at the same time. 

Shared Strength and Charm

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Speaking to the OK!, former BBC royal correspondent Jennie Bond said, “People always used to describe the Queen Mother as ‘steel in a velvet glove’. She was always charming, gentle and much admired. But, she was also the strength behind her husband, George Vl, and at the Palace her opinion counted. I think Kate has some of those same qualities.”

Public Respect and Family Admiration

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In her analysis of Kate's approach to earning the love and respect of the public, Royal expert Bond continued, “She has learned the craft of being royal over a number of years and earned her place as a senior member of the family. Gradually, she has also earned the respect of the public and, I believe, of the rest of the family. We look at her now not just as William’s wife, but as our future Queen.”

Kate's Stand in Buckingham Palace's Statement

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According to the latest edition of Valentine Low's book, Courtiers: The Hidden Power Behind the Crown, Kate was a strong advocate for the inclusion of the phrase ‘recollections may vary’ in Buckingham Palace's official statement.

Palace's Response

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Following the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's revelations in their 2021 Oprah Winfrey interview regarding ‘concerns and conversations about ‘how dark’ the skin of their son Archie ‘ might be when he's born,’ the Palace responded with a concise 61-word statement. 

The statement released by the Palace notably emphasized that "some recollections may vary" regarding the content of the interview.

Princess of Wales' Perspective

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A source informed Low that the Princess of Wales is confident that "history will judge this statement and expressed that “she does not get as much credit as she should because she is so subtle about it.” 

“She is playing the long game. She has always got her eye on, ‘This is my life and my historic path, and I am going to be the Queen one day.’”

Influential Voice 

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Kate's involvement in shaping the notable statement left little room for doubt regarding her influence. “I am not surprised to learn from Valentine Low that her voice was prominent in the debate about how to respond to Harry and Meghan‘s allegations,” Bond added.

Family Reputation at Stake

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The royal expert continued, "She knew that the family’s reputation was on the line and, along with William, she wasn’t prepared simply to stand by and let that reputation be trashed.”

"I think people will admire her for resisting the age-old strategy of ignoring criticism, however damaging it can be."

Rising Above vs Intervening

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Low includes a quote in Courtiers from a source who explained, “It had a much milder version. The debate was, do you rise entirely above it and offer the olive branch of [Harry and Meghan being] ‘much loved members of the family’? Or is there some moment when you have to intervene and offer a view?”

Desire for a Tougher Royal Statement

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It is claimed that Prince William and Kate wanted the royal statement ‘toughened up a bit.’ The insider continued, “They were both of one mind that we needed something that said that the institution did not accept a lot of what had been said.” Once the phrase was added, it was the princess who, according to another source, insisted it remain.

History Will Judge

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The source further revealed that “It was Kate who clearly made the point." The insider paraphrased the thought process behind Kate's stance, stating, "'History will judge this statement and unless this phrase or a phrase like it is included, everything that they have said will be taken as true.’”

Palace Edits & Approval

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After the draft of the statement was prepared, it was submitted to Buckingham Palace for approval. When it returned, the phrase "some recollections may vary" had been added to the statement's content. 

The Full Statement

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The complete statement is as follows: "The whole family is saddened to learn the full extent of how challenging the last few years have been for Harry and Meghan.”

"The issues raised, particularly that of race, are concerning. While some recollections may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately. Harry, Meghan, and Archie will always be much loved family members."

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