Sunday 6 August 2023

"Parents have become far too disrespectful, and their children are even worse" - Teacher Slams Parents For Raising Spoiled Kids Who "Destroy" Classrooms, Says She's Quitting

Teaching can be an overwhelmingly challenging job, especially for a teacher who called out parents for raising disrespectful kids who not only cause chaos in classrooms and destroy the very supplies she bought with her own money. 

Exhausted Educator

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Julie Marburger, who works as an educator in the Bastrop School District of Texas, no longer desires to remain in the teaching profession. Though she has multiple reasons for feeling this way, the key factor that influenced her decision to quit is the lack of appreciation she receives for her work.

Investing in Education, Bearing the Loss

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Many teachers, including Marburger, often have to pay for their classroom supplies from their own pockets since schools typically do not provide funding for that. However, what adds to Marburger's frustration is the experience of having students destroy the very supplies she personally purchased.

Alone in the Battle 

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

The educator is also fed up with the significant lack of parental involvement in their own kids' education, which has played a major role in her choice to leave the profession.

Burdened by Blame

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Despite schools implementing various methods such as notices, texts, and phone calls to keep parents informed about their child's struggles, Marburger is overwhelmed with messages from frustrated parents who direct their anger towards her instead of holding their own kids accountable for their academic failures.

The Last Straw

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Marburger opened up about the struggles of the teaching profession and why she plans to quit, while sharing images of the destroyed classroom.

"I left work early today after an incident with a parent left me unable emotionally to continue for the day,” she writes “I have already made the decision to leave teaching at the end of this year, and today, I don't know if I will make it even that long.” 

Decline of Respect

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Continuing on, the educator says that disrespectful parents contribute to the further decline of respect in their children, stating, ”Parents have become far too disrespectful, and their children are even worse.” 

“Administration always seems to err on the side of keeping the parent happy, which leaves me with no way to do the job I was hired to do...teach kids."

The Aftermath Captured

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

She shares that is the regular appearance of her classroom after her students spend the entire day there. “Keep in mind that many of the items damaged or destroyed by my students are my personal possessions or I purchased myself because I have NO classroom budget,” Marburger adds.

Crossing the Line

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Voicing her frustration, the teacher declares that she has reached her limit with the lack of respect towards personal and school property, and she is now drawing a firm line on numerous behaviors that she can no longer tolerate.

Rude Parent

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Illustration. Image credit: Depositphotos

“Unfortunately, one parent today thought it was wrong of me to hold her son accountable for his behavior and decided to very rudely tell me so, in front of her son,” she recounts. 

Failing Students

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Marburger explains that with the release of the report cards, she is confronted with the reality that nearly half of her students are failing due to a significant number (8-10) of missing assignments. 

Ironically enough, many of these students and their parents have shown little concern or interest in this matter over the past three months, despite the weekly reports, emails, and attempted phone calls that have been diligently sent and made.

Unfair Expectations

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

“My administrator will demand an explanation of why I let so many fail without giving them support, even though I've done practically everything short of doing the work for them,” the educator asserts. “And behavior in my class will deteriorate even more. I am expecting this because it is what has happened at the end of every other term thus far."

Heartbreaking Reality

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Marburger expresses her frustration about her profession, stating, "I have never heard of a profession where people put so much of their heart and soul into their job, taking time and resources from their home and family, and getting paid such an insultingly measly amount.” 

Unappreciated Heroes

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“Teachers are some of the most kind and giving people I have ever met, yet they get treated so disrespectfully from all sides,” she continues.

“Most parents can't stand to spend more than a couple hours a day with their kid, but we spend 8 with yours and 140 others just like him. Is it too much to ask for a little common courtesy and civil conversation?"

Broken Dream

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

For Marburger, her dream job has transformed into a painful reality, as she shares, "It has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember to have a classroom of my own, and now my heart is broken to have become so disillusioned in these short two years.” 

A Collective Voice

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

In her post, Marburger speaks on behalf of other teachers who are facing similar challenges and advocates for an end to this continuous abuse. 

She states, “This is almost all I hear from other teachers as well, and they are leaving the profession in droves. There is going to be a teacher crisis in this country before too many more years has passed unless the abuse of teachers stops."

Breaking the Cycle

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Marburger strongly calls for an end to “coddling” and “enabling” kids, arguing that “It's a problem that's going to spread through our society like wildfire.” 

“It's not fair to society, and more importantly, is not fair to the children to teach them this is okay. It will not serve them towards a successful and happy life."

Drained Passion

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Concluding her post, Marburger expresses her overwhelming frustration and admits that her passion for education has been completely drained. And while some people may advise her to stay positive, she has simply reached her breaking point. 

She says, “I don't care anymore. Maybe I can be the voice of reason. THIS HAS TO STOP."

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